Tennis Fitness: Dangerous Exercises for Tennis – The Upright Row

As strength and conditioning becomes more and more popular among recreational and pro tennis players, there are a few precautionary measures that need to be taken. Mainly because of the high demands placed on the body during a tennis match.

One of the most dangerous exercises for tennis is the upright row. This exercise can potentially worsen or even cause tennis elbow.

There are different variations to this exercise and it CAN be beneficial if you do it properly, but if you’re just hitting the gym, stay away…

Incase you’re not sure what it is, I’ll briefly explain.

The upright row is performed with either a a pair of dumbbells or a barbell. A person

grabs the bar with the hands placed about 5 inches apart and lifts it straight up the body

stopping just below the chin.

If you’re not already performing this exercise and you play a lot of tennis… with a little time it can cause tennis elbow bringing pain you’ve never imagined. I don’t care how young or old you are.

When the tendons of the elbow are tight, this exercise is particularly dangerous because of the ‘unnatural force’ placed on the joint

With the hands placed close on the bar, the upward motion places stress on the elbow… stress against it’s unnatural bending motion.

Let me explain.

Let your arm hang by your side and contract your bicep bringing your forearm closer to

your upper arm. You’re forearm will move in a vertical line to the ground. That’s the

natural motion.

As you’re bringing your forearm toward your upper arm, stop half way where your arm

forms a 90 degree angle.

With your arm at a 90 degree angle, imagine trying to bend your elbow laterally (or across your body) without rotating your shoulder. You can’t, the

elbow joint isn’t made for it and the ligaments and tendons serve to keep the elbow from bending in that direction.

The force placed on the elbow joint during the upright simulates trying to bend it in

a way in which it wasn’t made. It stretches the ligaments and tendons, causes inflammation, and BAM… there you are on the sidelines with tennis elbow… for how long? Who knows… so it’s best to play it safe and use alternate exercises to strengthen your shoulders to help your tennis game!

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