Curiosities From the World of Sports

There are so many things you can find out about sports, there being a lot of curiosities which can stir anyone’s interest. You should look into this kind of things whenever you have the chance because not only do they enrich your general knowledge, but these details are also very interesting.

First of all, you should know that football is the most beloved sport in the whole world. There is no other sport which has achieved the same performances when it comes to the number of amateurs of a particular sport. Then, you might want to know that boxing used to be an illegal sport, but it was legalized in 1901. Then, another interesting thing is that Jean Genevieve Garnerin was the first woman who preferred parachuting, being the first one to jump from a hot air balloon in 1799.

975 was the year when the first woman reached the top of the Everest Mountain, this woman being Junko Tabei from Japan. Larissa Latynina is the female gymnast who won the largest number of medals. She was a Russian gymnast who won eighteen Olympic medals in only three editions of the Olympic Games. The three editions were organized between 1956 and 1964.

The first edition of the ancient Olympic Games was won by Corubus and the first modern edition was held in Athens in 1896. Three hundred eleven men took part into the games and there was no woman involved. As for the modern ages, you might be curious about how many tennis balls the organizers of the Wimbledon Grand Slam Tournament change. If you are, you might be surprised to know that they change forty-two thousand balls in one edition. Last but not least, it is very interesting to know that golf was the first sport which was played on the Moon.

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