Indication of a Violent and an Abusive Husband in Astrology

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A pattern of abusive and violent behaviours by one or both partners in an intimate relationship like marriage, when one person tries to dominate and control the other person is known as domestic abuse or violence.

In astrology it is possible to predict the likelihood of the person you are currently or are about to become involved with, being abusive and violent in nature.

Behaviours and traits of an abusive and violent husband:

  • Physical aggression [hitting, biting, slapping, kicking etc]
  • Verbal abuse
  • Negative attitude toward women
  • Jealousy
  • Controlling behaviour
  • Unrealistic expectations
  • Blame-shifting for Problems
  • Financial deprivation of the wife.
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Cruelty towards Children
  • Sexual Violence or marital rape

Factors responsible for violent and abusive husband:

Ascendant: Body, mind and habit of the native

6th house: Enemies, litigation, wounds, ill-fame, ill-luck, dishonour, anxiety

7th house: Social status, sex-relations, life partner,

8th house: Litigation, sex-relations, anxiety and cause of death, sex organs

12th house: sub-conscious fears or guilt, resentments or hates, past-life karma, potentially damaging secrets, secret enemies or saboteurs, secret plots, secret motives, suppressed knowledge,

Moon: inferiority complexes, complex interpersonal weaknesses, emotional instabilities, emotional frustration and blockages

Jupiter: significator of husband

Venus: sexual pleasure, material comforts, incestuous, an adulterer, scandalous, loose people, a mean lazy companion,

Mars: brutally violent, aggressive, murder, violence, riots, fires, rules one’s sexuality, sexual energy, accidents and surgeries, assertive and daring by nature.

Saturn: obstruction, dejection, extreme discipline, problematic nature, lack of tact and sensitivity, lack of consideration, excessive self-interest

Rahu: nasty and fluctuating temper, harsh speech, falsehood, sin, mental illness, problems from spouse,

Ketu: uncontrollable nature, devious, malefic, awful

Different combination for an abusive and violent husband:


  • Mars, in astrology is responsible for jealousy, anger, lust, aggression and violence. Mars just has lots of destructive power. Mars is responsible for violent behaviour in an individual.
  • Mars posited in 1st/2nd/4th/7th/12th house, produces the Mangal- Dosha which is some way or the other concerned with marital disputes and domestic violence
  • Mars aspecting 7th house/lord, indicates an aggressive and violent partner.
  • Mars-Saturn-Rahu combination confers hostile and violent traits.
  • Mars posited in 7th house and aspected/associated by Saturn, the lower animal nature of the husband is obvious, resulting in anger, vindictiveness, stubbornness, resentment and an unforgiving nature, there can be sorrow and dejection by the husband.

7th house/sign Libra:

  • 7th house/lord is in Aries sign/Scorpio sign /aspected or associated by Mars, indicate violent and aggressive nature of the spouse.
  • Placement of fiery/separative nature planets, like Sun, Mars, Saturn, and Rahu/Ketu in 7th house indicates the violent nature of the spouse.
  • Scorpion in 7th house associated with nodes.
  • Venus and Rahu placed in 7th
  • 6/8 placement of lords of ascendant and 7th house.
  • Lord of ascendant /7th associated with nodes/functional malefic
  • Aspect of at least two retrograde planets on 7th house indicates violent nature of the spouse.
  • Association/aspect of Saturn on the 7th house, conflicts may happen in married life which can be violent in nature. Major conflicts in marital life is indicated during Saturn transit
  • Ketu on the 7th house, there might be unhappiness in married life and the spouse may have extra marital affairs.
  • Saturn and Rahu, Sun and Mars, Mars and Rahu combine in 7th house indicates domestic violence.

8th house/sign Scorpio:

  • Scorpio/8th house have warlike qualities and is more about domestic violence and family disputes. It informs us about the chances of divorce and break up in the marital life of the native.
  • 8th house reveals the height of hindrance the natives could face in her married life and in partnerships.
  • 8th house/lords represent genital organs, when afflicted, resulting in sexual incompetence, further enhances the violent nature of the partner.

12th house:

  • Afflictions to the 12th house may cause an immoral sexual life, resulting in domestic violence.
  • Mars and Saturn in 12th house create problems in attitude and co-operation is to be expected.
  • Mars in 12th house increases the desire for sex but reduces the satisfaction level, resulting in extra marital affairs causing domestic problems.


  • Afflicted or weak Jupiter shows selfish nature of married partner.
  • Moon is in disharmonious aspect with Jupiter indicates dissatisfaction in married life.
  • Jupiter afflicted by Mars-Saturn-Rahu indicates shrewd intelligence, ignorance, over-indulgence and conceit of the husband.


  • 6/8 placement of Venus and Moon indicates disputes in married life.
  • Rahu conjunct Venus gives an erratic, uncontrollable spouse.
  • Afflicted Venus and Mercury in 7th, makes the partner inclined towards secret pleasures, resulting in his abusive nature.
  • Venus conjunct by Mars indicates problems in marital life including violence involving the spouse.
  • If 7th lord is aspected by Venus occupying a sign of Mars, indicates the animal-sexual instincts of the husband.




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