Your Economy Vs The Economy

, Conjuntos de bikini, Busca LightInTheBox
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You are probably wondering how one can create their own economy. Seems impossible, right? Wrong.

Actually, there are people who are starting successful home businesses every day. You can be one of them. A common characteristic of all these people is their passion for financial freedom. They hate the economy. You see the thing with the economy is that you do not have any control of your destiny.

Just check Omar & Melinda Martin’s story. Google them. See how they lifted themselves from being homeless to creating several 7 figure income online businesses and they dominate on JV leaderboards pretty much everywhere.

You, therefore, need to figure how you can create your own economy. The fastest and painless way is to start your online business. Painless in the sense that unlike brick and mortar business a budget of a $100 can get you off to a fast start.

Getting started is not that difficult. Just find something you’re passionate about and start promoting products in a niche of your choice to earn affiliate commissions.

As you start to see some profits come in you will eventually need to have your own website. It will help you brand yourself where you will become an expert in your niche. You are also in a much better position to build your own mailing list.

Money is always in the list. Why? You can always keep promoting your own products and affiliate products o your list. They trust you and they will buy from you.

There are several places where you can get training and mentorship for a reasonably priced plan to get you started.

Internet market simply gives you an advantage in that there are many tools that you can leverage to automate and propel your business.

This is how you create your economy and have control over it. You decide how long you want to make and how much money you want to make.

Now let’s look at the economy… the one where you don’t have control over. Unfortunately, 95% of people think they have no option out of this economy.

How can that be? The internet itself is changing at lightning speed and with that comes many opportunities where the need to offer solutions and services is intrinsically endless.

What Exactly Happens in the Economy?

I am going to break this down in a way you that is easy for you to understand. The economy is a huge system. We all take part in the economy one way or another. However, more than 95% of the people are employed. They work for other people. Building and creating wealth for others in return for wages. These are typical steps in the economy:

Get a Good Education

Schools educate children with one objective in mind. To create a future pool of employment for businesses. Kids are told to get a good education and grades. Possibly obtain a University degree.

Once a person completes almost 16 years of education they proceed to look for a job in the economy.

Mind you some jobs pay better and people get a sense of accomplishment. The overall objective is that your good job will somehow give you some security and you work until you reach your retirement age.

A good job should, therefore, pay you a decent salary, provide with medical, dental and health insurance. Above all, it does guarantee a retirement income from which you can then enjoy the fruits of your labor.

However, what you fail to notice in the economy is that you have just spent the rest of your life creating wealth and building assets for someone else.

You Finally Get the Job And?

Your employer controls your life. You have to commute to work daily leaving your family behind and putting in long hours.

Success at work brings a promotion. A promotion, in turn, brings more workload and stress in your life. Those endless meetings you have to attend, the clients whose contracts you have to service.

All this require more and more of your attention and time. The phone calls never stop coming. Imagine the diary of appointments that you have to keep up with.

Talk about the texts to which you have to respond to.You even risk your life doing so while driving.

Success in the economy comes with a price tag. You have to sacrifice a lot in order to meet the demands and pressure of your job. You spend less and less time with your family, friends and loved ones.

In most cases, most relationships will end up in a divorce as one spouse focuses more and more on the job and less on the relationship.

Yes You Have to Pay your Dues (Taxes)

In the above setup, you have to pay your taxes. It is a known fact that non-business owners or employees regardless of your job position, pay higher taxes than the business owners or companies.

And there is a reason to that, or so goes the justification.

If businesses pay taxes at the same rate as their employees, they would not be in a position to create employment opportunities. After all, the payroll comes with additional costs such as employer contributions towards your health, dental and pension benefits.

This is the sole reason why most people go on strikes. The employer argues that to increase your salary or wage will result in their inability to expand their businesses and hire more people to meet demand.

They would rather see your wages go down and their profits go up. All in the name of shareholders and since you work for them you couldn’t be possibly be one of them (shareholders).

Actually, employers have more credits than you can possibly imagine. Do you know that they get substantial rebates for WISB for reporting zero or minimal workplace accidents or injuries?

Talk about those long hours you put in for less!

You will have to put in long hours into your work. The schedules seem to balloon each and every day that passes. The more experience you have with your employer, the more problems they expect you to solve.

You salary or wage increments that are just enough to keep you in your present job. After all the economy is just recovering from a global recession. You don’t want to be the John Doe that was laid off from their job.

Loss of Control

You typically do not have any control over how you do your work. Your boss controls that. You only get vacation time away when your boss approves. It does not matter how many hours you work or the intrinsic value you bring to your workplace… your wage remains flatlined.

Meanwhile, you have bills to pay, hydro, gas, phone, internet and more. You are hardly making ends meet. You keep falling behind and you begin to think about working a second job. Even this does not rescue you out of your predicament.

The stress levels will begin to peak, your health will start to take a hit and you start calling in.

In a nutshell, it is just so miserable to be working a day job. At the end of your working life, there is really nothing to show for it. Your retirement income will be overtaken by inflation and you continue to play catch up.

That reminds me of a very sad story indeed. I was at a Money Mart years back trying to remit some money back home. I saw a retired gentleman who was arguing with the person behind the counter. There was a dispute about how much he had to pay. From the ensuing conversation, I picked up that the gentlemen was on his retirement retired. His retirement income was not enough and he would fall behind each week.

He would come to this Money mart each week to borrow against his retirement check. When he gets paid he would pay back and then borrow some more money. At the time of writing this article, the cost of borrowing was $21 for every $100.

You can imagine yourself that this gentleman’s financial situation was deteriorating with each visit.

You don’t want to be that gentleman. You need to start thinking about how you can create your own economy by leveraging what the internet has to offer.

You do not need any special skills to get started. Anyone can do this.

Getting Started

Getting started like I said earlier is not hard. Do you know something that someone does not know?. You can earn money from that. All you need to do is to figure out what your passion is. In online marketing working on things you are passionate about will take the job out of your online marketing efforts.

You will be in a position to enjoy what you will be doing and this positively affects your attitude and keeps your motivation floating high.

Learn how to find niches in which you can promote products for commissions, Affiliate marketing is the easiest way to break into internet marketing. You don’t need to have products of your own. You simply promote other people’s products for a commission. The digital space provides higher commissions and in some cases giving you 100% of the front end product being promoted.

Much of your efforts will be spent in researching your target audience finding out what problems they have. Once you know this, you find a product that helps solve that problem and they buy from your link and you get paid.

It is as simple as that.

In my next article, I will be talking about the several ways in which you can make money online. And there are many ways you can do so. Blogging is one of them.


In the general economy, we all do not have control over events that happen in our pursuit of financial freedom. Events such as recession can result in job losses.

You are basically creating wealth for others in the economy.

You need to look at ways in which you can gain financial freedom. You can only do this by harnessing the power of the internet to create your own economy.

Here, you are your own boss and you can literally print your own money if you do it correctly.

You need to review your mindset and get a mentor so that you can leverage their knowledge to propel yourself on a fast path to internet profits.

So go ahead and get started. Just remember that you will need to put some work initially as you will be in the learning stages. Over time when most things become second nature you just rinse and repeat for more profits.

When you take sustained action you will begin to see some results and you will eventually reach a time when you will replace your day job salary. Now that’s financial freedom.

After that the sky is the limit. Many people say… you are only limited by your imagination.

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