Sifting Through the Many Fitness Supplements

The health and fitness industry is coming out with more and more fitness supplements every year. Because of this more and more consumers are becoming confused about what they should take, what actually works, and what all the different supplements actually do.

Here is a list of some of the more common and popular bodybuilding and fitness supplements and what they do:


Creatine is one of the most popular fitness supplements ever. One of the reasons why it's so popular is that it has been shown in study after study to actually work! Creatine helps provide your muscles with more available energy which allows you to train harder and longer, accelerating muscle growth, have greater strength, fuller muscles, and enhanced performance. No wonder it's so popular!

Whey Protein

Protein supplements in general are very popular, but none is more popular that whey. Whey protein is the highest quality protein available on the market and is a great way to make sure you get the amount of protein that you need.


Glutamine is an amino acid that is already found in the body. In fact, it is the most abundant one! So why would you need to use a fitness supplement to get more glutamine in your body? Well, when you stress your muscles glutamine is basically stripped from the muscles. This depletion can cause muscle wasting and lower immune system function. So supplementing with glutamine may help combat these negative side effects because you would have more glutamine available in times of muscle stress.


There are a lot of fitness supplements that people use to increase testosterone, and ZMA is one that has been around for quite a while. It has been documented to help increase testosterone and is used by hundreds of athletes as a safe and natural alternative to prohormones and steroids.

So there's a short list to get you started in the world of fitness supplements. Before you decide to use any supplement, make sure that it is right for you. You should also go online and read what side effects (both positive and negative) other users have reported with using it.

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