Top 7 Do Nots To Be an Extraordinary Business Coach

Many people talk about what you need to do to become a great business coach where you are in the upper 10% learning more than $ 100,000 and not like most learning less than $ 20,000. There are a lot of good strategies, but sometimes it makes sense to list what you should not do. This way you may avoid critical mistakes than actually lengthen your learning curve.

  1. Do Not Market Yourself Many coaches as do most small business owners do not market themselves. They believe in the old adage Build it and they will come. Not! You must direct your message to your target demographics, psychographics and geographics.
  2. Do Not Have a Target Market Failure to have a clearly articulated target market within your strategic plan may result in you believing that everyone and anyone is your client. This could lead to disaster.
  3. Do Not Provide a Complimentary Session Would you buy a piece of jewelry or an expensive suit without first trying it on? Would you buy that new or pre-driven vehicle without a test drive? By trying it on or test driving it has the value been diminished? Coaching is a personal experience and demands a trial fit. This is for your protection as a coach as much as it is for your prospective client.
  4. Do Not Have a SEO Website Since coaching is personal and can be done via the telephone, your website can be your cyberspace handshake. However the website must be search engine optimized, reflective of your style and it must provide quality content and value for visitors.
  5. Do Not Have a Brag Book A brag book is a collection of testimonials, services or products available, a marketing executive summary and should also include your vision, values ​​and mission statement.
  6. Do Not Belong to a Coaching Mastermind Group Consider all the business groups or business associations that exist to help those within that industry. Coaching is no different. By joining with other coaches possibly in different geographic areas you can help each other grow your businesses through the masterminding process. This is a great strategy to shorten the learning curve within the coaching industry.
  7. Do not Have a Coach or Mentor If you are a coach, then find a coach preferably one who is far more successful than you. Years ago I read to be a millionaire you must find other millionaires. This is very true about coaches. Find another coach who is willing to coach you or even mentor you. The investment is well worth it.

There are some experts who are coaches and who work with other coaches. These individuals believe exactly the opposite than what was shared in these 7 Top Do Nots. However, if you truly wish to increase your sales and go where you have never gone before, then be honest with yourself. Look at these 7 Top Do Nots and determine what don'ts are keeping you from the cans in your coaching practice.

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