How to Turn Yellow Teeth White and Keep Them That Way

Teeth whitening is very important as it is believed by many that one can obtain more success and influence by looking good! It is in fact true that people instinctively follow and adore people who look better. An extremely important facet to attaining a confident and healthy look is finding out how to eliminate yellow teeth in a safe and efficient way.

Nowadays, there is a constant bombardment of images wherein famous people are praised for their success and beauty – they all have the same thing in common – they do not have yellow teeth!

Dangers in Teeth Whitening

There are many teeth whitening products and tools out there but it is essential to ensure they are safe and do not strip the enamel from the teeth. Enamel is the layer that protects teeth from the elements which can destroy them permanently.

First of all, there is no overnight method to getting whiter teeth that is safe. It is like many other things in life – nothing worthwhile happens overnight. And, any product or tool that suggests or promises this shall be avoided like the plague.

The only way one can be rid of yellow teeth safely is by using a solution or tool that is not harsh and will not strip the enamel from the teeth; once enamel is gone, it is gone for good. Slow and steady wins the race is a warning that shall be headed when exploring options for teeth whitening.

Oil Pulling to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth

The process of using oil for whiter teeth is by far the safest process. This method actually reduces tooth decay, gingivitis, and gum disease which will all produce yellow teeth. Coconut oil seems to be the solution of choice wherein the oil is swished in the mouth for about 20 minutes. What happens is the oil adheres to the stain and pulls it from the tooth just as motor oil in a vehicle becomes dirty because it circulates through the motor and collects deposits. Daily oil pulling is essential to get rid of yellow teeth.

Hydrogen Peroxide for Teeth Whitening

This method is somewhat faster than oil pulling to get rid of yellow teeth but must be approached with extreme caution. The reason why some products on the market destroy tooth enamel is that the concentration and ratio of water to hydrogen peroxide is way too low; in other words, there is too much hydrogen peroxide. To safely use hydrogen peroxide for teeth whitening, a ratio of 1:100 (or 1%) should be used.

Activated Charcoal

Charcoal is used for many things these days from pulling pimples to distilling beer. Like oil pulling to get rid of yellow teeth, activated charcoal is effective as it pulls the stains from the teeth instead of scrubbing them off like hydrogen peroxide. Teeth whitening via activated charcoal takes a bit longer like oil pulling does and therefore is a safer option. It is said that this option for elimination of yellow teeth is the most effective method available.

Before Choosing a Method for Teeth Whitening

As with anything, rushing into the process of getting whiter teeth could have severe and permanent consequences. Yellow teeth can lead to low self-esteem and a desperation to figure out how to get white teeth. The results of research over the years leads to the conclusion that any of the above methods are safe for teeth whitening.

Since all human beings are build differently, any single method for teeth whitening will not yield the same results in everyone. It is prudent to choose one and stick to the treatment for at least 1 month. If the yellow teeth are gone, great! If they are not, there is nothing wrong with starting another available option for teeth whitening.

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