Getting Your Social Marketing Feet Wet With Squidoo

If your new to the whole idea of ​​social marketing, then the first thing I would suggest you do is take a deep breath and relax. After you have done that, take a quick trip over to and jump in feet first into the social marketing waters.

The Squidoo site is pretty easy once you get the basics down, however, it can be a little overwhelming at first as well, so let's take a few minutes to get you acquainted.

The first thing you will need to do is to sign-up for a free account. This process is pretty straight forward with the basics of name, address, user name, etc. This part will go by pretty fast. Once you have finished make sure to login to your account.

The first thing you should do once you login to your account is to create a simple and generic bio for yourself. Do not worry about it too much as you can change it later and you can submit separate ones for each lens you create.

Once you save your bio you should now be at your dashboard. This is where you will create your first Squidoo Lens. A Lens is simply Squidoo's name for a page. The difference with Squidoo lenses, is that you have many different types of "building blocks" to use to construct the page with.

This of these building blocks, or modules, as different Lego blocks. Each one does have a purpose and each one does something unique to itself. One block might include a link list, other might be a picture, while others include surveys, text and a host of other options. Do not worry about which ones to use just yet, this is your first lens after all. Use it as a learning lens. No one will even see it enclosed you at this point.

Using the side panel you can manipulate the blocks on your lens. New blocks can be added, moved up or down in the list or even deleted. Be careful when you delete. Once it's gone, it's gone.

The basic idea now is to add blocks that you like, then place content specific to those blocks, and then arrange them as you see fit. Try to arrange them in some order that makes sense to the person reading the lens. You can make as many changes as you want, add any number of blocks, and even include advertisements from Amazon or other companies to earn money.

Once you have it somewhat finished, feel free to publish it and let the community know your new and ask for help. They will give it.

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