Creating Your Lead Magnet

What are you looking for...
What are you looking for...

First we’re going to choose a specific market segment to target.

Then we’re going to craft your ‘promise.’

Next we’ll write the title and decide on the format.

And finally, we’re going to actually create your lead magnet.

Choosing Your Specific Market Segment

The biggest mistake I see people making is trying to be all things to all people in their lead magnet.

Let’s take the Internet Marketing niche as an example.

New marketers will write a lead magnet such as, “How to Make Tons of Money in Online Marketing.”

Evidently they are trying to target ALL people of all experiences trying to make money in all arenas online.

That’s a wide audience.

Another one might be, “How to be a great parent.” Parent to who? Newborn babies? Toddlers? Grade school age children? Teenagers? Children with special needs? Adopted children? Foster children?

It’s a cliché, but it’s true: When you try to be all things to all people, you’re nothing to nobody.

The more you can niche down your market segment, the more successful you will be.

This isn’t to say you can only service one tight niche. You can work in several different segments; you’ll just need to create several different lead magnets – one for each segment.

For example, let’s say you’re in the dating market. You could create a lead magnet targeted to:

· Professional women in their late 20’s and 30’s looking for the perfect husband

· Recently divorced men who haven’t dated in over a decade

· Widows over 40 who are lonely but afraid to date again

· Men who want to play the field

· Women who want to date younger guys

· And so forth.

Each of these segments have different fears, desires, challenges, motivations and so forth.

You could easily come up with a 100 possibilities, but it’s up to you to choose the right segment to target with your lead magnet.

Think about the exact segment of your market you want to write your lead magnet for.

When you’ve decided, move on to the next step.

Crafting your promise

You’ve chosen a specific segment of your market in the previous step. Now it’s time to make them a promise.

The goal here is to enter the conversation already happening in your prospect’s mind.

Ask yourself what their concerns are. What are their fears? What do they want most of all?

What conversation are they likely already having, and how can you enter that conversation with a promise?

What value can you give them that will be irresistible to where they are in life right now?

The value in your lead magnet should be ultra-specific and easy to consume.

No mega-courses here. No 200 page books, either.

You want your prospect to consume your lead magnet immediately when they receive it. If you send them a 200 page book, they’ll almost certainly set it aside for later.

And later almost never comes.

How can you demonstrate that you know what you’re talking about and that you’re an authority, if they never consume the lead magnet?

And another thing about writing entire 200 page books to use as lead magnets – what if you’re wrong? What if you pick the wrong niche to target, pick the wrong topic to talk about or pick the wrong promise to make?You’ve just wasted all that time when you could have found out much quicker with a short lead magnet.

Your goal is to create tremendous stand-alone value, but without getting complex or long.

Let’s do some examples from our dating niche:

· Professional women in their late 20’s and 30’s looking for the perfect husband – These women know what they want and they don’t have time to waste. You might promise to show them how to immediately filter out all the losers who will waste their time and find the hidden gems who will make excellent life partners.

· Recently divorced men who haven’t dated in over a decade- these guys have been out of circulation long enough that they’re forgotten how to successfully approach women. Plus they’re worried that things have changed, times have changes, dating has changed. So you might promise to show them 3 simple techniques to start a great conversation with any woman, regardless of how out of practice they might be.

· Widows over 40 who are lonely but afraid to date again-they’re feeling guilty about dating, dating seems scary to them, they don’t have a clue how to go about dating and they wonder if maybe they’re going to be alone for the rest of their lives. They need to take things very slow at first. So you might promise to show them how to find guys to be friends with first, and see if things progress from there.

You’ve already got your target audience, so now you’ll want to write down some ideas of the promises you can make.

Once you’ve got your list, pick one. If you’re afraid it might be the wrong one, or you’re procrastinating because you’re trying to get this perfect, them just pick one.

You can always change it later.

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