3 Super Boomer Expert Dating Tips

With over 57 million Baby Boomer generation American women, and of those, almost half, 25 million, are single women. In their mid-40s to mid-60s year old Baby Boomer generation Women cohort, many of those women, are like myself, single again, either by the result of divorce or death of a spouse. For the group over 55 years old, a number of the Boomer single women have even been married more than one time, with multiple divorces or death of their husbands. Dating again now that you are divorced or a widow? With so many Boomer Women dating again after divorce or the death of spouse, is dating the second time round all about competition with your best girlfriends? Or are you hoping that you can you take a different approach?

With women dating younger men, aka Cougar Dating, and women dating multiple men before she decides which suitor is worthy of her heart, no longer are single Boomer women socially stuck waiting for men to make all the romantic relationship dating initiation decisions. Afterall, at this time in your life, when you want to date again, isn’t it about what do you want? No longer is wanting to have children and settle down a driving force for dating, coursthip, and marriage for you. As a matter of fact, many Boomer Women have careers and assets of their own. They are not 100% dependent financially on men for their lifestyle and livelihood. That translates into your dating life, too. That’s so freeing, isn’t it?

Single Boomer Woman Dating Tip #1: Do Surround Yourself With Romantic Beauty

It ‘s the 21st century and you have money of your own. No longer to you have to wait for Saturday night to roll around to see if your gentleman caller brings you roses. Instead, you are the captain of your own ship. Go ahead and while you are doing your weekly food shopping, purchase a bouquet of your favorite flowers for yourself. Take a look at the floral section. It is often quite close the entrance of the store. Look at the beautiful colors and shapes of the flowers. Inhale and smell their fragrant perfume. Which ones are calling to you to take them home and enjoy? Stores from the range of Costco to the neighborhood grocers all a variety of wonderful floral bouquets. In the 21st century, it is stylish to love yourself and give to yourself first. Embrace it! Because you’re worth it! When you surround yourself with romantic beauty, you feed your spirit and will find yourself smiling more and more, making you magnetically attractive to others for dates.

Single Boomer Woman Dating Tip #2: Do Practice Superb Self-Care

Whether is getting a weekly manicure and pedicure at the nail spa, giving yourself a manicure and pedicure, getting together with your best girlfriends to give each other nail treatments, give yourself the best care you can afford. You can even find great deals at the local beauty schools. you can often find them by doing a simple search online. While you are at, look into the fun splurge of getting a full body massage. There are so many massage studios now at strip malls that you can afford this formerly luxury spa resort only treat right near where you live. Your excellent grooming reflects your self-love and self-confidence. Studies demonstrate that men find confidence super attractive in women they want to date.

Single Boomer Woman Dating Tip #3: Do Immerse Your Life with Beautiful Sounds

Now that you are caring for your eyes and body, what about your ears and insides? Between all of the music downloads and everything which is free online, you can immerse your aural senses with beautiful, relaxing, and stimulating sounds. How do like the meditative and relaxing sounds of Tibetan bowls? Do you prefer crystal bowls or metal? Perhaps the string instrument trills of Vivaldi better fits to your taste? Do fill your home with beautiful sounds to feed and nurture your spirit. When you listen to marvelous sounds, it stimulates parts of your brain which words alone cannot, warding off Alzheimer’s. And the better you de-stress yourself and relax during the day, the more fully restful and rejuvenating your sleep at night, making your natural magnetic beauty shine and attract dates during the day.

As you practice these self-loving tips, your own personal magnetism will increase massively. You will radiate joyful health, vitality and attractiveness, making you irresistible to single men for your dating social life.

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