Thinking Out of the Box – Photo-Rejuvenation

The new age of Aquarius with it's new paradigm of the laws of Quantum Physics, has given us the opportunity to climb out of the box. And now that we are out of the box we can start "thinking" outside the box.

We have 2000 years to use the new clear, un-manipulated 'mater' of the Age of Aquarius and create new ideas, new forms, new functions, new realities, more convince to this Age of 'energy. "

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that we live more and have our existence in an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. Which in reality is the Mind of God. We are also told that All is energy, we are energy and thoughts are energy tools that we use to create what we desire.

Within this Quantum Ocean there is no time, only the Now. Everything that is, was, or will be exists there. It is time for us to understand this and start to think outside the box. We can create huge, wonderful "Will Be's." out of this Quantum Ocean.

No time for timidness or fear. It is time to unwrap your imagination from the fetters of the past and soar high into the rated air of the Now, (Aquarius).

Here is a remarkable 'out of the box thought' that we can all use. Everything that ever was exists in the Quantum Ocean. This means you at age one, or ten, or 20 or 30 exists there.
Right now you are manifesting yourself at the age you are now. The now is all we really have now.

But we have the paradigm of the Laws of Quantum Physics to use other nows. This means that we can manifest the now or "the you" that was younger and in perfect health.

We can take that Perfect You and lie it out over the energy matrix of the Now You. In this way the "Perfect You." Will become the Now You.

How can we do this? Well search your photo album and pick out a photo of yourself that you feel shows you at your healthiest best. A photo, thanks to the laws of Quantum Physics, is an exact energy representation of you. The photo is you. The photo of you in perfect health is actually you in perfect health. Now take the photo and use it to overlay the "now you."

The energies from the "perfect you" will become the "now you."

How can you do this? Well you can use the new Aquarian Age Sciences of Mental Radionics, Orgone Technology or the Science of Radionics. They will all work.

There is no limit to what we can do in the next 2000 years. The only limitation is our own minds. Start your own "thinking big out of the box" ideas. Did you ever hear the story about the man who said it could not be done and was almost run over by the man who was doing it? The 'out of the box ideas' I am sharing with you now, our great. great. great. great grand children will be born with.

Make your own plans for your future or become someone else's plans.

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