Diamond Jewelry

Diamond is the queen of precious stones. It is known for its flawless nature and is rare. Diamond has a broad color range and a very low reaction towards chemicals. It is a good conductor of heat and insulator of electricity.

The sparkling diamond is just another form of dark carbon. Diamonds are available in more shapes than any other gem. "Carat" is the unit to measure the weight and size of diamonds. The deciding factors while purchasing diamond jewelry are its carat, cut, clarity and color. Diamonds come in seven different types of settings, each displaying it in a unique style. Some popular diamond settings are bars, bezels, chevrons, chanels, paves and prongs.

Diamond jewelry is one of the most expensive types of jewelry. Diamond rings, particularly diamond engagement rings, are an eternal favorite. A diamond solitaire necklace is an enviable and popular jewelry gift. Diamonds set in gold are popular the world over. Diamonds in platinum settings make a grand combination, although they are pretty expensive. The pearl-diamond duo is a picture of elegance. Diamonds in white gold settings are becoming a favorite with the younger generation. Bracelets with diamonds embedded in them are memorable gift items. Diamonds find some unusual settings too – they can be found in tiepins, watches and even ladies' sandals sport diamonds.

Although diamonds are the Earth's hardest materials, a single hard hit can cause one to chip. So diamonds must not be worn during heavy activity. Diamond jewelry can be best maintained by cleaning it with a gentle brush using water and a little bit of ammonia. Diamonds can be well protected from scratches if they are stored in their original velvet boxes when not being worn.

Although they were once a luxury, in recent times, diamonds have become a common possession. The glitter, hassle-free maintenance and durability of diamond jewelry justify the price. Here, they are reserved for the most special occasions in life. A diamond, as they say, is forever.

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