Chrome TV: Google Chrome Extension

I do not often watch live television over the Internet, I have a Dish Network system at home and TV's in three rooms but my computer room is not one of them. When CNN covered the Chilean miner rescue was one of the main times I wanted to keep tabs of live TV while I was working on my computers. This is where the Chrome TV extension for Google Chrome comes in. This extension allows you to search for and tune in to live television feeds from across the Internet, I was happy to see it found and fed my CNN live over the Internet where I was able to listen in and keep tabs on it while I continued my work.

News, Weather, HBO, Cartoons the Chrome TV toolbar extension for Chrome lists dozens of channels you can tune into live and watch over your Chrome browser. This is a great way to have some background noise or feed playing while you multitask and get some work done, or if you need to keep track of sports you will find ESPN streaming live as well.

When you first install the Chrome TV extension you will see a little TV icon show up on the right hand side of your browser URL bar, click on this icon and you will see a list of channels present themselves and you also get a search bar to find a specific television or cable station you are looking for:

You can find local TV stations from around the world and a quick test showed dozens of television stations from Africa, Asia or Europe.

As mentioned, I may only use this plugin for News as news is among the only things I consistently like like having on in the background. I like knowing what is happening in the world and CNN tends to be on at least 12 hours a day in my house downstairs in the background anyway.

If you want to watch live television over the Internet then try the Google Chrome TV Extension it may be just what you are looking for.

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