How to Show an Interviewer You Learn Quickly

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Every job has a learning curve. Not only do workers have to learn how to do a job when they get it, they also have to be able to pick up new skills while on the job and adapt to changes in responsibilities. Employers want to know that their potential employees will be able to pick up new skills and adjust to their new job quickly. Read on to find out how to show an interviewer that you have this capability.

The first thing you need is an example of when you picked up a skill quickly. Think of a time when you were able to learn to do a new task faster than you were expected to. Maybe you learned the organizational system in a few days instead of a week. It doesn’t have to be something extreme like learning to play piano in a week; stick to small, useful work-related skills that you acquired quickly.

The next example you need is of a time when you became skilled or knowledgeable about something due to hard work. Unlike the first, this is less about speed than about dedication. Give an example that shows that you can stick to it even when you’re learning something that you’re not naturally talented at. This could be a work example or even a school example — if you have a college degree, that’s at least four years of hard work!

Finally, you want an experience that shows you can learn a new skill without having your hand held the whole way. Think of a time when you learned a skill without much help. It could be something as simple as learning to use a new software program at work. A work example is ideal, but if you don’t have one you could use something you studied on your own at home. This is especially good if you learned useful work skills on your own time — it shows that you’re dedicated enough to your career to advance your skills entirely of your own volition.

Be ready to talk about experiences such as these at your next interview. Keep in mind what your interviewer wants to know — that you’re a dedicated worker who learns new skills quickly and easily. Show that you will be able to get into the swing of things immediately and pick up new responsibilities as they come along. If you think about your experiences beforehand, it’s not so difficult.

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