How to Get Website Traffic Through Article Marketing

Writing and distributing articles is another fast and free way to get free websites traffic. Writing articles has many advantages. One is that it helps to establish yourself as an expert in your niche. When you have articles published, you gain credibility. Article sites have a high page rank. Your articles will typically appear high in the search engines before your new site is indexed. Getting the links to your page also helps your site get indexed. Finally, people who read your article are highly targeted traffic.

Although some forms of writing can be challenging, writing articles is not that difficult. Each article only needs to be 300-500 words in length. Focus each article on one aspect of your niche. If your niche is about guitars, do not try to write a general article about guitars. Instead, write an article about changing guitar strings. Do keyword research for each article you write.

After doing some keyword research, it is time to start writing your article. There is a simple formula to writing articles. First, you tell them what you are going to tell them. Then, you tell them. Finally, you tell them what you just told them. If you are still hesitant to write your own articles, take some time to read articles by others in your niche. Emulate, but do not copy, them.

You are not writing for a prestigious publication. Your article should be informative, interesting, and free of major errors. If you can accomplish these three things, you will be successful at writing articles. If you dislike writing articles and have the money to spend, you can outsource this task. It is simple to find article writers online. Be sure to look at previous work before hiring someone.

After you have finished writing your articles, you might think you are finished. You still need an author bio. Although you want your articles to be interesting enough to be read all the way through, you want your author bio to be interesting enough that the reader clicks through to your webpage. So take the time to write a quality author bio.

Here is what you do not want to write – "John Smith is an expert in owning small internet businesses and generating traffic. Find out what resources he recommends at" Instead, write something like – "Are you going to be part of the 95% of small business owners that fail? Discover what tools and tricks can keep you from being part of this statistic at"

In the first author bio, you are talking about you. This is a mistake that many people make. Although it is the author bio, people do not care about you. They only want to know how you can help them. A successful author bio has people wanting to click through to your website. You have given them some free information so they already know and trust you. If you use the author bio to show them how you can help them further, they will want to go to your website. Not every article you write is going to produce a huge amount of traffic, but it is highly targeted.

After you write the articles, you must then distribute them to get website traffic. There are hundreds of article directories online. It is impossible to submit to all of them. Instead of trying to submit to every article directory, focus on the most popular ones. Here are a few highly ranked article directories that you can submit your articles to. In addition to these popular article directories, you should also search for article directories in your niche

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