Internet Marketing Glossary

The Internet has facilitated the need for an entirely new glossary that deals with all aspects of an online environment. This includes terms related to online marketing.

While this is not a comprehensive list I'd like to take a look at a few terms and try to explain them in lay terms.

SEO – These three letters are the abbreviated form of Search Engine Optimization. This term represents strategies to develop a website using proven methods to enhance your placement in search engines. Since most people begin looking for something by consulting a search engine it makes sense to work to impress the search engines in order to gain improved traffic to your website.

Blogging – This is a tool that allows business owners and individuals to construct a series of thoughts that can be accessed by web users. The content is generally themed and will also have something to do with your business. Most blogs are located on a social media site, but they can also be placed on your primary business site.

Social Media – This is typically used to describe sites that cater to networking objectives of both individuals and businesses. These sites are typically developed to include a variety of tools in one web application. In most cases there may be groups, friends, blogs, photos and applicable links for visitors to peruse.

RSS – Another abbreviation that stands for Real Simple Syndication. This tool allows web users to more easily locate valued material and have it downloaded to a specific software application that lets them access the information they want without the need of an intensive web search.

PPC – Three more letters that represent Pay Per Click. This is an advertising system that lets you target customers with a very specific interest in the keywords selected by the individual purchasing the ad. These ads show up on sites across the web and can improve your total number of site visitors. Sites that host these ads do so because they receive revenue from every ad 'click' generated from their site.

Forums – These are especially small town hall meetings. Visitors to a forum can voice opinions and read the opinions of others. In many cases individuals can and do use forums to share information about their businesses. This often happens in a location of a member's 'control panel' called the signature line.

Autoresponders – This tool can allow a more streamlined approach to post purchase marketing, when a customer completes a transaction online autoresponder software allows an immediate reply alerting them that the transaction has been accepted. Autoresponders can also allow you to send additional marketing information and ezines.

Ezines – This is an online version of a magazine. It has many of the same departments you would expect from a magazine and it can be a potent tool in marketing the general ideas and themes of your business.

Hopefully this little list of online marketing terms may help you grasp the potential in online business. I also hope it encourages you to look a little deeper into each of these marketing techniques to leverage improved online performance.

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