Use Keyword Sniping As Part of Your Internet Marketing

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You may already be familiar with keywords but how about keyword sniping? Using the sniping method as part of your internet marketing plan is a smart decision. If you’ve been struggling to get your website ranked well in Google using a good keyword as part of your internet marketing and you haven’t been very successful it’s because you simply don’t know how to make it happen.

Worse, some of you might have read a little generic content on keywords and think you know how to make it happen, when in fact you’ve likely not received the results they say you would. Done right using keyword sniping your internet marketing campaign is going to give you the edge you’ve been looking for. Best of all it’s only a few steps and it’s not really that difficult. What you want to do is consistently beat out big players that have the skill, the money, and the ideas. One you learn how to snipe keywords you’ll be able to beat out the multi million dollar companies as easily as the little guys.

When you keyword snipe you focus tightly on a single keyword. You choose your word and then you set up the entire site to rank on that one word. When you do this successfully you can make $5000 and up a month and have no maintenance whatsoever. Of course if all it took was picking a keyword and throwing up a site we’d all be millionaires. Using this sniping method as part of your internet marketing means you need to choose the right keyword. You can use this method for just about any keyword but some are easier than others and when you’re first learning this technique it pays to choose something easy.

Keyword sniping includes choosing more specific words and staying away from general words. For example, let’s look at the term PDA – very general and very difficult to place well with. Now choose Blackberry and it becomes thousands of times easier to place well.

How do you actually snipe a keyword that you choose? Start by choosing your word, now you’ll start to target and get ranked for that word. To target the keyword you need to build an entire site dedicated to that one word. Buy a domain name with the keyword as part of the URL helps you to get ranked. Buying a used domain can also help because if a domain has been alive for more than one year it will decrease the amount of time it will take for the domain name to get ranked because it helps you avoid the Google sandbox.

Now you have your keyword, your domain name, and now you need to add a minimum of ten pages of good content with your keyword. Each of these ten pages needs to provide a keyword link back to the homepage using the main word. Your pages should be between 300 and 500words. Coming up with ten different pages of content using one keyword can be a bit of a challenge but just search the net for ideas. Remember the link back to your home page using the keyword – I can’t stress this enough. It give you internal links and external links and if your pages get ripped off they’ll be giving you a link back to your homepage.

Now let’s create a bit of a timeline here:

1. You found your keyword

2. You found your domain name with the keyword in it

3. You produced a minimum of 10 pages of content with the keyword in it.

4. Brand your site with your keyword – it’s one of the most important things you can do.

5. Create a proper site structure with the right html code and make sure you strip out any extra code that doesn’t have a purpose.

6. Inbound links of the right kind will give you the edge to out rank other sites. Vary your anchor text but make sure your keyword is in almost all your links, and obtain links from pages that use your keyword.

7. Success is knocking at your door.

There’s no concrete time line on how long it will take your site to get ranked. It can vary significantly. Be patient! Using keyword sniping as part of your internet marketing plan is smart and effective!

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