What's The Holy Grail Of Investing?

People generally do not like taking on responsibility at the best of times. So when there is the potential to loose money and people can blame they tend to shy away from responsibility to an even greater degree.

This may well be the reason people fail in the share market and any other endeavor for that matter.

Once you realize that you are the most important critical success factor in your life and apply this generally you start to succeed in everything you undertake.

The blame game is easy to do. It provides you with a cop out if something goes wrong. But it does not bring you success. Who has more interest in your own financial success than you? Once you realize this and walk this walk success follows.

Sure, you may obtain information and the education from somewhere else. And the means to practice before you risk real money in the real market may again be bought from a third party, but you are doing the work.

It's a bit like a gymnasium. The facilities are provided but you are the one who needs to get the exercise. If you do, you get fitter. If you do not, you will not. What could be simpler and fairer than this?

And the result is all yours. It's your successful track record that gives you confidence. No on else's. And once you are there, you have it for life.

Searching for the Holy Grail

Where have you been looking for the magic answer? The shortcut. The trading system. The reliable tip? The foolproof method Well sorry. That does not exist anywhere outside of yourself. It is all up to you. And once you recognize that you are responsible for gaining the education and experience and you are the cause of your own success then that is as close to the Holy Grail as you can get.

Provide yourself with the means by which you can understand the subject of share investing. There is a lot of information out there so it's easy to get lost. The best way to go about your search is to find specific information on particular aspects of share market investing. I have provided a list of the things you should look for, which can be downloaded for free – it's too big to put up here.

Next find a means by which you can practice investing without risking your money. There are a few good simulators out there from memory investopedia ( http://simulator.investopedia.com/ ) has one or if you chose to, good old fashioned paper trading never hurt anyone.

developing your skills in a practical way leaving no doubt that the result you achieved was achieved by you then starting putting your hard earned money to work. No advisors, no tipsters, no gathering of opinions, no guesswork, just your results.

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