Harry Potter and Network Marketing

Have you ever thought about the similarities between Harry Potter and Network Marketing? I know it may seem a bit strange but here are some ideas:

1. Some people simply are not able to make it in network marketing. Just like some of Harry's friends and acquaintances struggle to be successful wizards, some people for one reason or another do not seem to have what it takes to succeed.

2. Some people seem to have the magic touch. They are able to recruit more and sell more than many others. Just like Harry, Hermione and Ron are able to succeed better than most of their classmates at Hogwarts, some people are more successful in network marketing than others. However, this is often due to their hard work, and dedication to self-development.

3. Just like Harry, Ron and Hermione go to school and learn new things every year, successful network marketers learn new things every year as well. The network marketer who stops learning, stops growing their business.

4. Every successful network marketer has those who would attempt to destroy their business. Just like Voldemort and the death eaters who attempt to kill Harry and his friends and accomplices, many of your friends, family members and others will attempt to kill your business with their lack of understanding and knowledge or by their sheer ignorance.

5. There are certain formulas just like magic tricks, which will help to ensure your success. Just as Harry and his friends learn the magic words and passwords necessary to their success as wizards. Successful network marketers must learn the tricks of the trade and understand how network marketing functions as a business.

6. There are certain tools of the trade, which are a must in order to be successful. Harry and his friends need the tools of magic such as wands, magic hats, potions, and an invisible cloak. We in network marketing need the tools of our trade which include items such as: a website, business cards, brochures, catalogs, self-confidence, motivation, desire, and mentors and leaders.

7. There are different companies, which can be compared to the different houses. Everyone is not made to be successful in the same company. Just as every wizard succeeds better in their own house, one company does not fit all. Many companies which may be a perfect fit for one person simply will not work for another.

8. Sometimes you just have to take action even if you are scared or lack confidence. Harry and his friends often have to vent into areas, which are scary or unknown, and they often are required to take leaps of faith or to perform actions about which they are not certain of the results. Successful network marketers do these same things. They take leaps into the dark and have faith that everything will work out for their own good.

9. Just like Hagrid and Dumbledore there are teachers and mentors available to help you and coach you to success. Your sponsor, fellow team members and many others both in your company and outside of it are available to help you. Just make sure you ask for help when you need it.

10. Sometimes you just need to have fun with your business. Create some games with your business. Quiditch is a game for the wizards at Hogwarts and you need your own games to play. If you do not take the time to play with your business then you will have a hard time sticking with it for the long term. Success comes easier when you are having fun.

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