The Dash Clothing Store

Dash is a fashion forward store with locations all over the country. The original Dash clothing store opened in 2006 in the town of Calabasas, California. Three sisters Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney opened the store together to see the fashion that they saw as beautiful. The Kardashians were not a household name at this point, but famous people still frequently came into their store. As they became more aware of the draw that Dash had they started to expand their stores and opened one up in Miami. There was a whole show where two of the sisters went and opened the Miami store and of course partied which brought a lot of traffic into their store. They had a special line for Miami night life that was a big hit there. Another show shown two different sisters going and opening a store in New York as well. The sisters all co-own Dash and try to be involved in everything that goes on in their stores. They tailor the products they sell in their stores to the trends of the area, and all three are very fashion conscious. They got to fashion shows and look for top trends and things they know will sell in each of their stores.

Dash is well known for its own brand of deliciously painted candles and Junk Food T-shirts that sell like hot cakes. They also have famous brands such as Beach Bunny, and a collection by Lindsay Lohan. Other brands available in their stores are Vix, Alexis, La Rok, Mason, and Whitney Eve. They sell clothing, accessories, and underwear. The store features the latest trends and often the designs of the three sisters. You can see a lot of their clothing being worn on the show. The girls also have their own fragrance that is sold in the store. They are a huge influence on the fashion that is sold in each of their stores. They are constantly being photographed by paparazzi so they are under a lot of pressure to always look their best, and they usually do not disappoint.

The Kardashian's are famous from a string of reality television shows that are shown on E Entertainment. The popularity of the Kardashian's television has certainly made the store more popular. The girls are always bringing attention to themselves with their wild antics, and crazy relationships. They know how to bring in the press and the attention. Their mother Kris is the ring leader of it all and she knows how to run a successful business. Not only are the people on the show famous, but the store has appeared on the show several times because it is where the girls work, and they have launched new stores in different locations on the show as well. Dash clothing is showing no sign of slowing down and will probably expand again in the near future. The girls are going into more businesses that tie in with their boutique so it will be interesting to see how they expand.

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