Enjoyment of Business

Being in business is like living itself. When one is in business, one encounters many things, including a few moments of enjoyment, pleasure, or happiness. Many times there is destruction, panic, desperation, or confusion. The majority of business consists of not-so-exciting, repetitive, and half-pleasant daily experiences. Some people become successful in business. They become rich because business is mostly about making money. These successful businesspeople have basic and common ground. When asked how and why they became successful, they always answer that they are lucky.

Of course, they were not just lucky. They put a tremendous amount of effort into studying, researching, and experimenting. They reached the point where they had gone through thick and thin. They all had embarrassing failures. They all share in common that when they failed, they did not give up, and they did not run away and disappear. Instead, they thought, analyzed, and built the next step.

There seems to be a pattern or cycle in business experience. It consist of three realms. The first and bottom is the "Lower Ground." The second located above "Lower Ground" is "Water." The top of the structure above "Water" is the "Higher Space." The structure is shown below:

Higher Space (Solutions and Experience)
Water (Devastation and Desperation)
Lower Ground (Problems and Suffering)

Someone starting a business stands on the "Lower Ground" at the bottom. He has lots of problems. He is suffering. He does his best to address and solve problems, but his situation does not improve. He goes up to the "Water" process, where his problem gets worse. He is devastated and desperate because he can not breathe. He feels like he could suffocate to death.

Most people give up at this stage, therefore, they can not be successful. Only one who has continued to maintain effort and struggle to survive will find himself in Higher Space. Oddly, this happens suddenly. This person finds himself breathing normally and no longer suffocating. He finds himself with solutions and experience.

After one has reached this stage, there is only one process left. It is analysis. The individual needs to consider, analyze, list, and record the successful process in a business journal or personal article. This also must occur when a person fails. He needs to know exactly why and how he succeeded. If one does not run this analysis process, he will go down to the Lower Ground, just like one loses all his skills if he had not practiced his favorite sport for a long time.

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