I Want to Model! How Do I Get Started?

To get started in the modeling industry you need pictures. I am not referring to glamor shots that you take at your local mall. Some simple snap shots taken from a digital camera will do. At this point, it is not necessary to spend hundreds of dollars on photographs that the agency may or may not even like. Chances are they will not like them.

These pictures should show you in front of a light background with minimal makeup. The focus should be on your face. You should have two close ups one maybe with a smile and one without, and two full length pictures of yourself showing your profile. This goes for male and female kids, teens, and adults looking to break into the modeling industry.

Your main objective is grab the attention of the agencies. If they like your look and do not already have an abundance of talent with similar features they will ask you to come in for a face-to-face meeting.

Two Important Modeling Tips

Once you have your snap shots, you should contact the local modeling agencies in your area and ask them two important questions. 1) What is your submission process? e-mail? mail? 2) Do you have open calls? A quick internet search or a peek in the yellow pages should provide you with modeling agencies in your area.

Red Light

If you do not hear back from the agency in a couple of weeks after you submit your pictures, that means they are not interested. Some agencies will not notify you via mail of their decision.


After maybe six months or so, feel free to resend your pictures for consideration. Personally, I would try to go in for a open call. Models just starting out sometimes sometimes have a better shot of registering with an agency if they can get some face time. One agency passed on my daughter but fell in love with her in person and registered her.

Green Light

If you are asked to come in for an interview that's a good indication that they want to register you. Before that happens, they will ask that you shoot with one of their photographers. In essence, this will be your first professional modeling shoot if you are new to the business. Here's an excellent video on posing for the camera. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okdJ4EElen0 The whole purpose of the shoot is putting together your first comp card and head shot. At this point, this is where you will incur your first expense of paying for the photo shoot. Not to worry, typically models are able to recoup the money spent on the photo shoot after 1-3 bookings.

Have fun and remember rejection is apart of modeling.

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