Momentum Selling – Selling on a High Brings You More Sales

Momentum Selling Is the Purest and Most Successful Kind

Momentum – Defined as drive, energy, motion. Have you ever bumped into someone who turned out to be the exact target customer you spend weeks trying to get a meeting with? How did it feel? Did it get you from 0 – 60 mph in 0.3 seconds? How about finally getting the purchase order you have been working on for months with a huge customer, what a sensation! What a rush!

Now imagine using that feeling, that rush with your juices flowing, blood pumping, confidence oozing and go call those top 10 hard to reach customers you have yet to get an appointment with. I would bet more easily on you getting an appointment with 20% of those hard to get to prospects than the Rangers winning a Stanley Cup Championship in the next decade, make that millennium! Use that momentum from just closing the sale, feed off that high from discovering a huge opportunity and make those calls – let those potential customers hear the REAL you, let them feel that energy in your voice.

Momentum Selling is riding that high right into another form of prospecting. My very first sales job was with New Horizons Learning Center of Miami. I was hired just as the franchise (now the largest one in Florida) opened it's doors. Every morning at 7am the sales team was expected to be in the training room wide eyes and bushy tailed. To be frank it was more like a pep rally just without the basketball team. The meeting always began with us watching some portion of movies such as Braveheart, Rocky, Animal House using parts that got your blood boiling. Topics such as customer retention follow up and the like followed. Each Monday morning meeting ended with another caption from a movie such as Jerry McGuire; "Help me help you! Help me …. help YOU!" And a few minutes of jumping jacks concluded it all.

Now as much as I hated leaving my house at 615am to make it to the office in time, looking back at it years later I was able to see the method to the madness. Mondays and Tuesdays were the top days for our sales department, and I am darn certain Sylvester Stallone had something to do with it.

Do you have a favorite song or artist / band that gets you pumped up? The Black Eyed Peas "Let's get it started", Foreigner's "Eye of the Tiger", or Queens classic "We will rock you" gets crowds out of their seats at any event. Before you turn off the ignition in your parked car at your next appointment, pop in your tune, and get jiggy with it. It takes a few minutes but your heart rate will increase and you get your game face on; I call that momentum building. It gives you energy and confidence, and that is before the meeting!

Now can you picture yourself using the adrenalin "post sale" and bringing that with you to your next meeting, presentation, or phone call ?? That is another stratosphere of selling. That is MOMENTUM SELLING!

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