What is Involved in Graduate School Essays?

Many different subject majors require statistical and qualitative research projects to be completed. For such projects, knowledge of methodologies used, research design, controls, independent and dependent variables, sample size and sampling methods are required. Research should go beyond the obvious or typical information that is found in texts, journals and other media. Students should take topics further, developing their own topics for research and discussion. Students at this level should be well versed in style, in text citation, footnotes, endnotes and reference or bibliography. Appendices and Table of contents are also required for many written research projects. Students should also learn how to conduct research projects as needed, to meet academic requirements.

Scientific or medical research projects should outline in detail how the project is constructed. This includes type of study participants, whether qualitative or quantitative methods are used and why, length of project, context in which information is obtained and what the project should prove or provide, in terms of new insight or expansion of current knowledge. Research for other areas of study should include similar information within a paper, the information that the research attempts to explore should be outlined in the introduction. An abstract may also be required. This is a few paragraphs and quickly

outlines the contents or subject matter of the entire paper. Discussion of current research and academic sources should be review early in the paper. The student’s position, claim or summary should also be explained in relation to the review of current literature. Explanation of how the research was constructed and obtained should follow the literature review. Information should be as detailed as possible. Do not omit or eliminate discussion of important facts or variables used for research. The conclusion should summarize the student’s findings as compared to that which is discussed in literature.

Graduate school essays often take several weeks or months to research, design and compose. Students may juggle work, family and educational responsibilities, leaving little time for such extended research papers. Assistance with such projects is available through online resources. Writing, editing. Proofreading and other services are available. Help with topic or project development is available as well. Often students will have their research paper outlined, with several pages completed. Writers with specific subject knowledge are matched to orders, based on topic. Message boards are included with each order, so that customers and writers can discuss and share ideas related to the research project. This feature is important for a well written, authentic composition at the appropriate level. When statistical research is required, students should at least gather the information desired, and provide written statistical findings, prior to ordering their paper. Writers can then focus on further research, composition and organization of the desired paper.

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