Kids Science Projects Can Warm Your Heart

Everyone talks about the greenhouse effect and how our earth and its climate are having greenhouse type of effects. What does that mean? You can do a science project that will show this effect and what is happening to our Earth.

Go to your pantry and look for these items. If you do not have them you can go to your local store and get these items:

  • 2 glass containers that need to be the same size and shape
  • A 1 gallon plastic storage bag
  • 4 cups very cold water
  • Ice cubes

Fill each glass container with 2 cups of the cold water. Add ice cubes to each jar. You will want to put the exact same amount of ice cubes in each jar. I would suggest 6 ice cubes in each jar.

Put one of the jars in the plastic bag and seal it shut.

Put both containers in the sun together and let sit for at least an hour.

You are trying to create the greenhouse effect with the container in the plastic bag.

At the end of 1 hour or a little longer remove the jar from the plastic bag and immediately insert a thermometer to measure the temperature of the water.

After you record this temperature measure the degrees in the water that was not covered.

When you placed the jars in the direct sunlight the air inside the bag became very warm. When you have a greenhouse it lets light inside which allows the sun's energy and also heat. Since the filters in but can not escape because you have made a plastic barrier it stays in the enclosed area and increases the temperature. When you demonstrated the science project above you created your own greenhouse and showed how warm you could get the water. What if you left that for two, three or four hours?

Think about what is happening to the Earth. There are chemicals that are creating a type of plastic bag around the Earth and it causes our air to get warmer because of the energy of the sun creating heat and it being retained in this enclosed area.

Even though you did not heat the water to boiling think about your car in the hot summer. This is what happens when you go in to work and leave your car outside all closed up all day. When you return at 3pm the car is scorching hot. This greenhouse effect has caused your car to be so hot you sometimes can not even touch the steering wheel.

This science project is a great idea about what we are doing to our planet.

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