Christians and Computers

When the Internet first started to really get major synergy going many religious people claimed it was the coming of the Beast. Needless to say they were not the early adopters. Today almost every religious organization has a website and many even pay for key words. Paying up to $ 2.00 for Google "Key Words" for things words like; God, Church, Sunday Worship, etc.

It appears that those who condemned the Internet early on, as a sign of the beast and the temporary demise of the Earth through their belief in revelation in the literal sense have made a complete 180. Today, one of the largest sectors on the Internet is that of religious websites. Why are we always getting in the way of our species' forward progress? Religious groups should have embroidered the Internet for its communication value. Instead they bought it like the plague. Each time a new technology or concept comes of age, we find our civilization is caught in a time warp. Even the Catholic Church said it would probably keep things the same, even if it meant the Church became smaller or had to consolidate.

We currently are divided over right to life abortion issues, stem cells and Major Religions and in all this sound and fury is there really any room for the Next Thing? And when the Next Big Thing happens will we embrace it or will we use it as fuel for the fire to further partition us? Are we stifling innovation, real discoveries which might improve our quality of life and standard of living? Are we doing this to help organized religion maintain its grip until it can catch up or get on board with the rest of us? Why do we do that, think on this for me.

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