Why Goal Achievement * IS * Rocket Science After All!

You will hear and read the following often when people talk about goal achievement – 'It's a simple theory to follow, it's not rocket science!'

I say and write it myself all the time, and I believe it, I have done for over 20 years, and have used it to great effect in my life.
I write about the theories in my book 'Transform Your Life in 21 Days!', So why would I write this article saying that goal achievement * is * in fact rocket science after all?

Ooh, good question, and here's the answer …

Simply because we can look to the exploration of space (rocket science) to find an almost endless flow of goal achievement nuggets.
The recently revived US Space Shuttle Progamme is great to watch.
Now they show the whole mission streamed live online, so you get to see all the daily mundane workings of the astronauts as well as the more spectacular stuff.

In December 2006 the shuttle discovery docked with the International Space Station, and although the shuttle only stayed a few days, they dropped a crew member, Sunita Williams, to start her 6 month stay at the station.

Yes, 6 months in space!

As I was following her progress, I was fascinated to learn that she has to do 2 hours of exercise a day.
1 hour of cardio work, and 1 hour of weight work.

This is not to turn her into a superhuman, it's just to keep up with the rest of us back here on Earth.

Because of her zero gravity environment, Williams' muscles, including heart, lungs, legs, arms, etc, will not be taxed anything like as much as they are to just move about in the gravity we feel here.

If she did not exercise, over 6 months, she would be in a bad way on her return home, she just would not be strong enough to walk or do the simple functions we take for granted.

Here her 2 hours a day.

Now, an absolute classic tip in the field of goal achievement is to give 1 solid hour a day working on your goal.
If you do this, you will make leaps and bounds you had not thought possible.
The reason for this is that most people simply * do not * commit this time.
An hour a day adds up to 7 hours a week (I kept up at school!), And you can get a lot done in 7 hours.

So, as you work toward your goal, think of Suni Williams in space.
As I write this, Jan 4th 2007, she gives 2 hours solid every day – not to make progress, but just to keep up with the rest of us!
She'll continue to do it every day for 6 months!

That's impressive in my book, and she can do it, imagine what you could achieve with 2 hours a day for 6 months!
Can not find 2 hours every day?
Stick to the 1 hour a day then. That will still take you hugely forward.

So, is goal achievement rocket science? It can be!

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