Materials That Cause Poor Cell Phone Reception

"Hello … Hello … Is it getting any better?" You must have said this countless times over your phone. This is one sentence that one does not like saying and the other never appreciates listening. Often, due to poor signal reception, such problems occur.

What many might not know is that some materials can distort signal reception. Your cell phone or cellular company is not the only one to be blamed for your poor calling experiences. Some material lying in your office or room might just be the one to lay the blame on in case of poor reception.

Some materials that can make your calling experiences a little uncomfortable are: aluminum, rebar, and render. Aluminum is highly used in construction. Many houses, buildings and offices have aluminum siding. Aluminum can very adversely affect your cell phone reception as it reflects back cell phone signals. Rebar also known as reinforcing steel, it is heavily used in every kind of construction. It is used to hold the concrete in compression. Used to help your house, the material has the ability to irritate you by killing your cell phone reception. It has been proven that cell phone signals find it difficult passing through walls made out of rebar, also called rerod. There are often 'dead zones' in every house or building, because of this material. Render or stucco, which is mostly used for decorative purposes for walls and ceilings can often be the cause of poor signal reception. Not among the most hated material by telephone signals, it indeed has the ability to distort signals when meshed with other materials, such as different wires.

It is important to have good signals and combat poor reception. Of course, when your very building or the material used in constructing or decorating your office is causing distortion, there is not much that you can do. One solution is to move out of the place and giving your cell phone the opportunity to improve its signal reception. Being in an open atmosphere gives the cell phone the chance to breathe and work properly.

Several companies have come up with unique signal boosters that can greatly help you improve your reception. These boosters are easy to install and can overcome most of the obstacles in good reception. Femtocells and wireless repeaters can greatly influence your phone as they amplify cell phones signals. If there are materials, such as a steel sculpture or an electronic device, causing your signals to drop, then it is better to simply move out these materials from your room or office and give yourself a better calling experience. In order to know which object might be causing the problem, you can try going closer and moving away from the objects and see the result.

By utilizing the tips given above, you can easily improve your poor cell phone reception.

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