Great Diets for Quickly Getting Into Shape For Summer!

Usually in the summer due to the hotter weather we do often try to eat much lighter meals, such as salads and lower carbs and this is a good thing. But knowing how to pick out a plan that is manageable and will help you lose weight and one that will not change your lifestyle too much is a tough one to figure out if you do not know what kind of diet to look for that will help you lose weight and not harm you at the same time. Below are a few diets that are considered ones that are healthy and will still help you lose weight during the summer months and all through the year.

The Atkins Diet – This diet has helped a lot of people to lose good amounts of weight by restricting how many carbs they take in. When you go on this diet you will be allowed to eat as much fish, poultry, meats, fats and oils as you want, but you will need to restrict the amount of eggs, cheese, fruit and veggies you can have and they are usually eaten in very small amounts each day. It is claimed that the body will revert to its fat stores and then burn this for the energy needed when it is not allowed to have carbs. So the staples of this diet would be something like steaks and salads. Be careful though some claim that this diet may be lacking in some vitamins and minerals.

The Hay Diet – This diet claims that you should not mix starches and proteins in the same meals. The reason for this is that the stomach will use different enzymes to digest both of these. So, when you put these two foods together in the same meal this makes it harder for the stomach to work in breaking down the protein and the starch so it will take longer for the food to digest. There is a chart that you can get that shows you what foods are best ate together with long a neutral group that can be eat with any food. A lot of people who have been on this diet say they have lost a lot of weight and also seem to have higher energy levels.

The Zone Diet – This diet is pretty simple and easy to remember. If you eat a set ratio of protein, carbs and fats this diet claims your metabolism will burn energy at it's top rate. The diet claims that you should have no more than 30 percent protein and carbs in each meal and then 40 percent should be fruits and vegetables. Basically it's similar to a diabetics diet where the size of your protein and carbs should be no larger than the size of your fist on your plate and the rest of the plate should be filled with fruits and / or vegetables.

The Mediterranean Diet – It seems that in Southern Europe there are far less overweight people than there are anywhere else in the Western world. A lot of this is due to simply how they eat as a norm. They eat far more fruit, veggies and very little saturated fats. They also consume a lot more oil oil and legumes. They generally eat only about 4 eggs a week, fish three to four times a week and poultry, cheese as well as yogurt are ateen twice a week. As for red mead it generally is only eaten once a week. Desserts also are generally only ate once a week.

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