The Major Differences Between Wishers And Achievers

Greetings and Salutations. I had to let my gratefulness show. There is something about achievers that I want to share with you. First of all, achievers seem to have a positive ambitious attitude most of the time. Achievers are successful due to getting after their dreams on a continuous basis. No matter what they are confronted with they are willing to put both feet forward and pay the price to be successful.

Wishers, on the other hand, have no plan of action and no yearning for accomplishment in their lives. They believe that luck is the driving force of the universe and that genies grant wishes for you when summoned. Does this sound like anyone you know? I’m sure it does. For there are millions upon millions of people that fit this profile. These types of people wonder aimlessly day to day and never give it a second thought why their lives are empty and lacking much merit and distinction.

Here is my short list of the major difference between Wishers and Achievers.

1. Wishers are good at making excuses. They mean well but never seem to get anything accomplished. Achievers pride themselves on following through to the end. Coming up short is not an option.

2. Wishers are people that complain about change. Conversely, achievers welcome change. They don’t get caught up in the whining game because of an unexpected curve in the road. Achievers accept change with an expectant outlook.

3. Wishers are people you see at the mall with their face pressed against the store window of a clothing store uttering the uncertain familiar phrase “I wish I had that.” Achievers set goals and make arrangements to obtain whatever it is they want. Achievers take action and make it a point not to sit stagnant for too long. Wishers sit crippled caused by fear and anxiety. They lack the resilience to press forward. Wishers always wait until the time is right, which may never come. Achievers have a completely different outlook when it comes to making things happen. They say, “when will it ever be the right time if not first you take the time to make some time?” I would have to agree with that axiom 100%.

4. Wishers are always looking for the easy way out. They want something for nothing, but we all know that something from nothing leaves nothing. What wishers need to understand is that their rewards in life are in direct proportion to the service they provide. To put it simply, if you do nothing, expect nothing in return. Achievers exceed what is expected of them. They always do more than the minimal amount requested. Achievers aren’t satisfied until they have achieved the inconceivable. Achievers set expectations higher for themselves than wishers do for themselves.

5. Wishers never commit to anything. They want to stand around and talk about everyone negatively. They whine and complain about everything. What they don’t know is, if they are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Instead of standing around and complaining about everything, why don’t they pull up their sleeves and help out. They would find that it is much more rewarding and satisfying than doing nothing at all. Achievers commit fully to everything they get involved in. Achievers expect a return as a result of their commitment to the cause. When other people witness commitment they, in turn, want to commit themselves. People are drawn to achievers, like moths to a flame due to the energy and excitement radiating from them.

6. Wishers flounder in their own self-pity and blame their powerlessness on everyone but themselves, not realizing that no matter what happens in your life may it be good or bad is a direct result of something they did, did not do, should have done, or shouldn’t have done. Wishers need to start taking responsibility for the bad things that happen in their lives as well as the good things that happen in their lives. Wishers use excuses to justify their existence. Achievers, on the other hand, don’t entertain excuses; they look for solutions to any problem or difficulty they may encounter and in many cases, they uncover creative solutions that no one else had ever fathomed. Achievers search methodically to overcome all obstacles they are confronted with.

7. Wishers waste massive amounts of energy spreading gossip of things they really know nothing about. If there is nothing to gossip about they go out on a limb to make up something to gossip about. Wishers are paranoid and think the entire world is conspiring against them. Wishers are small minded people. They see their way of thinking as the only way of thinking. Achievers refrain from listening to gossip. Achievers also refrain from making up gossip and spreading it. Achievers guard their minds and mouths like it is nobody’s business. Gossip is a true time waster. Warning! To all wishers out there; if you and your crew are gossiping about everyone you come in contact with, you may want to check yourself. In most cases, your so-called crew is talking about you behind your back as well.

8. Wishers are prone to being tired and sick due to wasting all their energy on needless and inessential things. Achievers are insusceptible to exhaustion. Achievers love what they do and would do it for no amount of money if offered to them.

9. Wishers are cowards deep down inside. Instead of standing up for something they believe in they pass the buck to avoid showing the world just how weak they really are. Achievers are courageous people. They go straight to the source of any problem they may be faced with. The things achievers do commands attention. Achievers don’t sit around and do nothing. They don’t wait; they initiate.

I want to thank you for following me. I hope that you find life-changing information in this article. May you and your loved ones have a wonderful day or evening.

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