House Cleaning Business Proves That Where's There's Muck There's Money!
It use to be the case that only the well off people in society could afford to employ the services of a local house cleaning business, but this is definitely not the situation anymore. Nowadays, we work longer and harder to earn more money in order to buy more things, but it was not long before people cottoned on to the fact that all these extra creature comforts were useless unless they had the time to enjoy them. This is why lots of busy households these days take advantage of the many house cleaning services available.
Because of the increase in demand for professional house cleaning, prices have come down too as competition among rival companies gives household more choices and better value for money. There's a lot of money to be made in professional home cleaning, or any cleaning services come to that. Ever heard the saying 'Where there's muck there's money?'
Many a one man window cleaning operation branched out and began offering a house cleaning service to their regular customers once the opportunities become identical, and it's not uncommon these days to see the hard working glass cleaners of yesteryear now driving around in Mercedes and BMW's as a direct result of expanding their cleaning services to the hard working people of the 21st century.
How to Start a House Cleaning Business?
How long is a piece of string? It all depends how you go about it, but starting a house cleaning business can really be one of the few business opportunities that require very little start up costs. Many people begin part time with little more than a bucket, mop, tin of spray polish and a few rags for dusting and wiping the surfaces. But you need to be particular and genuine about cleaning, and you also need to care about the end result. Apart from that, there really is very little more needed than an usable body and a few customers lined up in order to start a house cleaning business almost immediately.
Legal house cleaning companies can employ one or many staff members depending on the work load and type of services offered, but many new to the cleaning game often offer a few free jobs in order to get the word out in their immediate areas. There are no special skills or vocational qualification needed to get you going, just a little homework to find out the local house cleaning rates, some kind of house cleaning checklist, and an enthusiastic attitude.
Those people with more of an entrepreneur streak and a bit of previous experience with cleaning procedures may want to jump in the deep end and take a look at some of the house cleaning franchise opportunities available today. Bigger companies are also able to offer specialist services such as gutter maintenance, clearing blocked drains and pipes, garden preservation, and stain removal from furniture and fabrics.
Because there is likely to be a fair bit of repeat business in this type of service, it's also important to come across as trustworthy and friendly from the outside. At the end of the day, you will probably be working inside people's homes, and once you are able to clinch a house cleaning contract, you may often find yourself a key holder to your customer's properties, so a cheerful disposition will go a long way to build up the trust levels. It will also be useful to have a good knowledge of modern home cleaning products. You may also wish to share a few free house cleaning tips & secrets to loyal clients.
The house cleaning business is definitely on the up, and if this type of work suites you, then you could be up and running your own outfit in just a couple of weeks from now. What other type of business allows you to get going for just a couple of hundred bucks or less?