Therapy Marketing – Marketing Your Therapy Practice

In this article, I want to talk about how to create a compelling reason for your prospect clients to contact you. I've found that one of the best ways to do this is to take away the risk element for them. You've got to remember that people finding you on the internet have never met you and may be linked to pay for your services until you have built up some trust with them. One of the best ways to do this is to offer a free consultation or a free taster session, whichhever is more appropriate.

I offered a free consultation on my website and the number of inquiries tripled overnight. At another clinic, we bought in free telephone consultations and again the number of inquiries skyrocketed. I have also found that 90% of people who come for a free half hour consultation in my clinic sign up for a course of at least 5 treatments. Now you may think that offering something for nothing is a waste of time and money but I guarantee you that people will be much more willing to make a financial commitment, once they have met you and sampled what you have to offer. In the therapy world, more than anywhere else the rapport and trust between the practitioner and the client is vital, and people know this. You can even be very upfront about this in your website or brochure and say that this is a chance "to find out if I am the right practitioner for you".

The key is to offer something of real value such as taste of what you normally offer, so that the person can get an idea of ​​what they can expect. When I give a free consultation I simply give a shortened version of my diagnosis session. I ask the person about how they would like the acupuncture to help them and give a realistic evaluation of the benefits they can expect. I also offer any advice that that they can implement straight away. By asking questions and really hearing the person, I am almost always able to gain rapport and trust. At this point, the person will be more than happy to book a full session. Do not attempt to push your services, instead focus on giving and listening. You will immediately set yourself apart from the crowd.

Offering a free consultation or taster session is so simple yet extremely effective. You do not even have to have a website yet. Try it out by printing a simple leaflet and distributing it in the neighborhood. Either post is through letterboxes or put a stack of leaflets in local shops. You will find that by giving something for free, you will get back many times more than you give.

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