4 Quick and Easy Time Secrets to Go From Slacker to Internet Marketing Money Machine Overnight!

Have you ever decided that you are going to get a lot of work done before you sat down on your computer – only to find that hours later you really have not completed anything at all?

All you have really been doing is sitting around spinning your wheels and making excuses for not getting any of your internet marketing projects done.

You end up checking email, reviewing traffic statistics, constantly checking news sites or chatting to friends pretending to be networking – and it's really starting to cut into your results.

Now here's the shocker: The key of successful and highly effective internet marketers is not that they do not procrastinate or goof off occasionally (After all nobody is perfect) it's the ability to get into a truly "Peak" state when they need to!

Here are some ideas to get back into peak productivity state:

1) Planning . You've probably had one of those days where everything seems to go right and time really starts to fly as you get double & even triple your usual work done. I bet on those days you did not just hop onto your computer and get started.

You had some sort of plan and goal to accomplish before you got into the ADD heaven of the internet. Maybe that meant a to-do list or maybe it was a little more complicated then that. The moral of the story is: do not even think about logging on, until you know exactly what you plan to do. It's that crucial.

2) Use Urgency. Most people in the world seem to dream of a place where there is no stress and no urgency, that the perfect job would be laid back and relaxed sipping martinis on the beach. Anyone who runs a business knows that this is complete baloney. Nothing ever gets completed without urgency or a need.

That's why should make it a habit to get a timer to run for exactly 15 minutes for every task that you try and complete. For instance right now I have a timer ticking as I race to get this article finished. Because I'm so competitive I'll always try and write faster then I would if I was not racing against the clock.

3) Have a Clean Desk & Office. If you ever get to the point where you just can not agree anymore then maybe it's time for you to start considering the environment that you're working in. If you are surrounded by old pizza boxes, cans of diet coke & papers everywhere then you are never going to really get very much accomplished.

Even more importantly you need to have a desk that's clear and only has the information that you need on it. That means get rid of all newspapers, magazines and other junk that has accumulated. It's a critical way to develop and keep focus.

4) Do not Do Everything – Do not even consider making the same mistakes that 99% of the internet business population makes by trying to do everything yourself as a one person band. You need to figure out what parts of your business that only you can really do and outsource the rest.

This is difficult for most of us because our businesses are like our babies and it's sort of giving up control bringing in an outsider. But if you ever want to grow bigger and make more money then this is a critical move that you need to start doing.

Once you start implementing these 4 quick and easy time management strategies – your productivity will skyrocket, you'll make more money and you'll finally feel in control of your business again!

Yours in Profit,

Mark McDonald

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