Network Marketing: The Only Way to Make Money and Get Out of Debt Today!

So teachers make almost no money, everyone knows that, right? Even my students know that I make no money, but they still expect me to supply them with pencils, markets, glue sticks, paper, etc. I guess that is the problem with the generation we are creating – against all my efforts not to enable them (but that is a subject of an entirely different blog I suppose). The teachers in my district did finally get a raise this year, after not having one for over 3 years! So why am I taking home less money than I was last year? Which led me to figure out how to make ends meet AND still work a full time career (who am I kidding- teaching is more than full time- its ALL time!), AND have time for my family as well…

As an educated person, I did my homework (which is more than I can say for the majority of my students) and researched the heck out of every way I could make money on the side while still holding on to what precious little family time I had. After months of research, data collection, webinars, power points, and wading through all the scams that are out there, I found the perfect opportunity for myself and my family… Network Marketing!

I know what you’re thinking –

I’ve heard of that- its a pyramid scheme!

I was wary at first too, but like I said, I did my homework- a lot of it. And it’s not a pyramid scheme (which are illegal, by the way). Network marketing is completely legal, and the MOST effective way of product distribution for companies. It is so effective that more and more companies are popping up with this method of distribution every day.

I can’t sell to my friends and family –

Yup, I looked at that route, which was the old method of network marketing… before this thing we call “THE INTERNET” came out. People spend more of their time on the internet than they do actually interacting with humans these days. People even shop online more than they go to stores, it’s more convenient, easier, and you can get better deals or better products online. So THAT is where you want to make your presence- to the millions of people online who are looking for your products, want your products, and need your products. The days of bothering friends and family are over. The great thing is, there are so many systems out there to help you with your online presence.

I’m not a sales person –

Neither am I! I’m a teacher- that’s what I love to do and know how to do. Guess what- that’s what I still do. I TEACH adults who WANT to LEARN! I don’t sell anything to anyone- I teach people what my products are capable of, and they make up their mind if it is right for them. I also teach people how to make money doing the same exact thing I am doing, and how easy it is. What’s great is I get to do it from home, in my JEANS, or even my pj’s if I want! What else is great is that the people I’m teaching are people I CHOSE to teach, and want to learn! Can you imagine having a classroom where YOU get to hand-pick the students, and those students are excited about every sentence that comes out of your mouth? A classroom where students DO what you tell them to do because they know it directly impacts them? A classroom where no one talks back to you, and parents aren’t emailing you about why their child is failing? Let me tell you- its AMAZING!

So there’s my secret- I have the easiest, most fun and exciting second career that may actually become my one and only career in the future (as many complaints as I have about being a teacher- It’s still what I love, so I’m not ready do give it up yet). Not only that, but I can make money WHILE I’m doing other things- like teaching at school, playing with my children, and sleeping! I’m serious, I make money even while I”m sleeping! How? It’s all about LEVERAGE!

Here’s what I love about Network Marketing:

Not missing out on family time

No long hours at an office/classroom/cash register/warehouse

No commutes with traffic

Work anywhere- networking happens wherever you go!

Flexibility in schedule

Be your own boss

Have a social life

Getting paid for sharing a passion

Tax benefits

Residual income


Work from your own home office!

Although many people are going out searching for jobs or (even second jobs like I was) that they hate and for bosses they despise, I found that I could can work for myself right from the comfort of my own home. So I’m actually working at my kitchen table right now, and watching the leads come in from an ad I placed online last week! This allows people to have an easy second income, moms and/or dads to stay at home with their kids, college grads to get a job that will pay, burnt-out workers finding joy in something again, and millions of baby boomers to be able to retire! Even Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki explain that the real money is in networking!

You read it right – the amazing money-making secret of a desperate teacher from the sticks of New Hampshire is Network marketing! Not only am I making ends meet, but I’m making enough to rival my teaching paycheck (although that’s not rally a hard task). And I’ve only just started- Imagine where I’ll be this time next year! I’m so excited to be able to buy Christmas presents for my children, pay off my bills, put extra money toward my mortgage, and even pay for a JEANS DAY at school! I haven’t been able to scrounge up that kind of money for years! Can you imagine not having to worry about money? It is the best feeling ever! Not only that, but so many people have been able to achieve 6 figure incomes in a relatively short amount of time by network marketing. How? By choosing the RIGHT company!

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