Paid Advertising and Chrome’s New Update

In case you haven’t heard, Google Chrome has recently decided to block what is termed as “annoying ads.” You yourself most likely have come across these pop-ups, automatically playing videos, and other irking types of online advertising.

While this is generally good news for Chrome users in general (I mean, who likes opening a webpage only to be hounded by random, unsolicited music), it may spell difficulty for online marketers.

While people are theorizing that it’s a ploy by Google to make sure that business owners focus on Google’s AdWords for their online ad needs, they actually hold a good point at making ad creators ensure better quality for the material they put online.

The Problems With Ads


One of the most common negative user experiences you’ll encounter with ads is how “disruptive” their formats are.

Pop-ups are a common cause for annoyance. You yourself must have encountered opening a site page only to be greeted by a window offering you a deal you don’t care for. Or maybe you’ve tried receiving a mini-heart attack due to those loud auto play commercials that spring you into searching for a pause button you just can’t find.

Copy Quality

Aside from the often disruptive way of how these ads appear to us, there’s also the issue of the actual quality of the ads themselves.

If it’s not clickbait, it’s most likely going to be an over-promising headline that’ll come at you. They’ll most likely be accompanied by suspicious photos as well.

Not only do such “ads” fail at actually gaining clicks, but it makes the business look more sketchy than ever.

Overall Poor User Experience

The main thing here is that customers want compelling ads that they actually want to check. They don’t want to be hounded by flashing offers and fishy deals – they want well-written, honest ads that won’t ruin their online experience for them.

This means if you want users to willingly click on your ad rather than set up the old ad-blocker on you, ad quality has to be invested in more.

What You Can Do About It

Stronger Strategy

The reason companies make their ads rather invasive is because they want to make sure that they’re seen by users. They mean well but end up coming off as annoying.

Maximized visibility doesn’t mean popping up with every window a user clicks; it’s about knowing where they’re most likely to go online and what platforms they trust most, and then placing ads there.

This requires quite a bit of researching, of course, but you can bet it’ll pay off better since you’re not blindly sending out your material.

Better Copy

Given credibility’s role in whether your ad is well-received or not, making sure your material is well-written and used with quality images is paramount.

While a witty, subtle headline may not be as initially compelling as “Woman lost 20 pounds in one week,” it sure is a lot more trustworthy, and more likely to be followed through by a click (and hopefully a sale).

Expert Assistance

A big hindrance for creating optimal quality ads is business owners usually opt to do it themselves. Given that they don’t have much time or energy to spend on creating a well-thought ad, quality is forgone.

This could mean losing your slot on Google, aka the largest search engine platform/paid ad platform in the world. This is why the best thing you can do for your ads is to outsource them to a reliable Google AdWords service company.

Your ads not only help you catch the attention of potential customers, but they say a lot about your company and image as well, which is why it’s time to heed Google Chrome and up your ad quality by investing smarter in your ads.

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