Peer Pressure Teen Stress

Peer pressure teen stress can be defined as the way teenagers try to behave due to pressure coming from their peers. This kind of stress is triggered by issues like the need for approval, acceptance and the need to have a sense of belonging. When teenagers, the pressure that comes with trying to gain approval or acceptance or find a sense of belonging leads to all kinds of circumstances causing stress in the life of teenagers which if not checked may result in health related problems.

Issues that can cause peer pressure teen stress:

The two main settings that teenagers get their peer pressure stress from are the school and the home and there are many issues arising out of these settings which causes stress in teenagers of which some are

1. Issues relating to mixing with others

2. The feelings they have towards themselves relating to how they see themselves and how they think others see them

3. Problems that may arise out of the home with other family members

4. Traumatic or grief related events like divorce between parents, death or illness in the family can also be a likely cause for teen peer pressure

5. Having to adapt to a new school environment

6. Having to move to an environment or place they are not comfortable with

Some ways of dealing with peer pressure stress

1. A positive attitude

One way of tackling this type of stress in teenagers will be for teenagers to encourage themselves to adopt a positive attitude towards life. This will involve them having to adopt a healthy eating habit, avoid using alcohol or drugs as a way of solving their problems, cutting down on the intake of caffeinated drinks among others…

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