7 Silly Soundproofing Myths to Avoid

Believe it or not, there are quite a number of very silly soundproofing myths circulating the construction world today. You’d be surprised at the number of strange techniques people try, honestly believing they’ll get the results they desire. Below are some of the most common soundproofing material myths and why you should avoid them at all costs.

7. Soundproofing with Eggcrates

Eggcrates are known for being a very strong and durable material. If they weren’t, the eggs you purchase at the grocery store would be cracked every week. The problem is that despite their strength they are made out of a porous material. This means that no matter how much egg crate material you pack between your walls, the sound will still flow through.

6. Black or Dark Colored Paints

There is a rumor circulating stating that if you paint your walls with a dark colored or black paint the color will absorb or block sound. Don’t waste your time or money. Paint itself does not absorb or block sound waves.

5. Filling the Walls with Cellulose

Some people believe that filling their walls with cellulose will effectively soundproof their homes. Cellulose will reduce the level of sound but enough to make a difference. Pumping your walls with cellulose is messy, costly, and a complete waste of time.

4. Stacking Hay Bales

As silly as it sounds, hay bales actually do have some sound absorption properties. The problem is that they’re dirty, smelly, and cause fire hazards. They’re not really designed to be used indoors (especially for soundproofing) and can be easily stolen.

3. Tacking Up Foam Rubber

Foam rubber could potentially be a somewhat effective soundproofing alternative. The problem is that foam rubber can rot pretty easily, eventually look bad and not doing the job you intended it to do. The other disadvantages is the cost. You could easily purchase proper soundproofing materials for the same price.

2. Carpet

Why on earth would you want to nail carpet to the walls of any room in your home? Carpet can absorb sound (a little) but won’t prevent noise from outside sources from entering. Nailing it to your walls is ugly and we guarantee it will eventually start to deteriorate anyway. Leave the carpeting on the floor.

1. Nailing Old Mattresses to the Wall

Who’s idea was this, anyway? Nailing old mattresses to the wall is just plain goofy. They will have minimal effect and the amount of work you’ll have to put into nailing them up and sealing the seams is ridiculous. They’re ugly, smelly, and can also become moldy. Just say no.

Soundproofing your home doesn’t have to be difficult. There are dozens of proper soundproofing materials available – even if you’re on a tight budget.

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