Use Your Marketing Database to Integrate and Act on Enhancement Data

In today's world, direct marketers frequently talk about getting the right message to the right person at the right time using the appropriate channel. The fact is, very few marketers are really living up to this ideal. But it is possible. Your marketing database provides the ideal framework to make this vision a reality, using one, or a blend, of several different approaches.

Promotion History

Are you using your marketing database to manage and track your promotion history? Promotion history impacts many areas of your marketing: list fatigue, previous list inclusion and exclusion, suppressions, ROI reporting, response profiling, testing, multi-channel marketing, cadence optimization, and managing chronic non-responders.

If you want to optimize your database marketing efforts, you must be serious about tracking and using your promotion history. Ultimately, effective promotion history management will result in increased response rates, improved ROI, and reduction of wasted dollars on non-performing campaigns. Your promotion history is important and is a valuable data asset. It plays a key role in your database marketing efforts and can improve your marketing performance in a variety of ways if properly applied.

Touch Tracking

If you do not know who, how often, and which channel (s) you are using to market to your customers, it is nearly inevitable that you will over-market to them. And this will likely affect your best customers. There are consequences to this fatigue. Your customers may tune you out, and if you saturate them with overwhelming, non-relevant communication, they may globally opt-out from all of your marketing communications. In the worst of cases, they may even take to social media saying how much they used to like your company and products, but they now complain for the world to see.

This is an easy fate to avoid. Use your marketing database to track each and every marketing touch. When building a campaign, use your touch history to suppress customers who may be at risk of over-marketing. Effective management of promotion and touch history will ensure happier, more loyal customers and help you strengthen relationships with your best customers.

Precise Selections

Precisely select your campaign recipients. Choose from a wide range of selects, including selects based on various RFM parameters, purchasing trends, demographic & lifestyle selects, or predictive model segments. Your marketing database provides you the framework to execute each of these or combinations of these to properly refine your selects.

Segment Testing

You probably have ideas about different offers, creative, or content. You can use your marketing database to build segments for each of these, with corresponding control groups, to try out and test your ideas. This tool provides the framework to ponder, test, execute, measure, and improve.

Preference Capture

Often, marketers capture information from customers on communication channel preferences or product offer preferences, only to find there is no easy way to manage this information and act on it. Use your marketing database to capture, maintain, and act on this valuable information. Your customers are telling you what they want, how they want it, and when they want it. Use this tool to personalize and meet their needs.

Automated List Outputs

Perhaps you have a true and tried list pull that you want to use repeatedly. The applications for this type of list output are virtually unlimited. Maybe you want to send your customers a birthday email, a text message to brand new customers, or an automatic upsell offer for customers purchasing a specific product or series of products. Whatever the case, use your marketing database to automatically, easily, and efficiently output these lists in an ideally timed manner.

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