Baseball Coaching Digest – Survey Results – The Top 10 Worst Parent Excuses of All Time

The word "excuse" is a bad word to most coaches. A parent excuse is a reason given by a parent to explain or justify their son's poor performance, tardiness, or inappropriate behavior. Coaches really would prefer that someone simply say they were wrong or give a legitimate reason rather than a ridiculous excuse.

If you coach any sport, you are going to hear your share of excuses from parents. Most parents refuse to make excuses. They understand that behavior and actions have consequences.

However, there is that small percentage of parents that are always ready with a reason or excuse for their son's behavior. Some of the worst excuses are those that parents try to use to justify getting their player to practice or a game late. It is no wonder that players use excuses when their parents do so repeatedly.

The Baseball 2Day Coaching Journal surveyed baseball coaches. One of the questions was "What is the worst excuse you ever heard from a parents? Here are the top 10 worst parent excuses of all time:

# 10 — "I can not get my son to any games or practices because I'm pregnant."

# 9 —- "My son does not like playing 3rd base because he says the balls come to him too fast."

# 8 —- "You should play the 12 year olds the entire game, they have earned that right."

# 7 —- "I could get my son to practice his father had the kid and he did not bring him back on time."

# 6 —- "The game started late (8:00) and it was too late for a kid to be out!

# 5 —- "We did not know that we had a game today."

# 4 — "I know he did not play well, but he did not get into bed to after midnight.

# 3 — "The reason he did not play well was because he ate 3 hotdogs before the game."

# 2 — "He did not hit the ball because he did not have his new bat. That old bat just does not hit as good."

# 1 —- "I could not get him to practice Saturday, because I had to go to the casino."

Unbelievable as they may sound these excuses were used. I am sure that you have heard some excuses that are just as amazing. Thanks for reading my article. Have a great day! Nick

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