Front Door Trends That Are In Style

Like many other objects, doors also have their own trends. As decades pass, new styles come into the picture with something new that everyone could appreciate. Currently trending as the most popular door styles are black, big, steel and glass elements.

The black door is a perfect example of the classic home. This exterior beauty was always around and has never left the option list for most home owners. Even though many people consider black as an odd color to have on the face of your walls, the door will actually complement the colors of the bricks or paint job and make the green of the garden stand out. It also has the appearance that makes one feel closer to nature because of the rich color of the wood.

A big door is a generic term for the wider door. However, in this case when we refer to a big door, we mean large. The standard width of a door is about a meter but with the new trends such as a pivot door, the sizes can be up to twenty to thirty centimetres wider. You might not think that is a big difference but when you see it up front you will notice. Big doors also include double front entrance doors which are quite wide and create a classic look.

The beauty of steel is that you can use it in whichever way you want. In recent years, doors were made with a steel frame but designers have become creative to mold the metal into shapes that curve. The shapes look gorgeous when placed against glass and work well with gray doors. Historically, people of nobility would show off their status by using custom metal designs.

Glass doors may be the most common modern trend up to date. Obviously, the whole door will not be made entirely out of glass for safety reasons but the idea is to allow the maximum amount of light in. This gives the house natural light during the day and warmth for the night. These entrances usually have two panels that compromise of glass. It also has an elegant style to add class to your home.

This is the generation where you can experiment with different elements in your home because all inventions are so versatile. From the windows to the exterior custom manufactured doors you can be creative when it comes to your home.

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