Can You Really Learn to Play From an Online Violin School?

Learning the violin has always had a high barrier to entry. How much would it cost to hire a private tutor once a week for months? Typically, the cost of learning the violin will run in the thousands. This has preceded many aspiring musicians from really learning this instrument. Fortunately, some really great online violin schools have been coming to the surface laTely. Which brings us to the question … Can you really learn to play from an online violin school?

Learning Without a Tutor

There are certainly drawbacks to not working with a tutor. For one, you do not have someone there to correct your posture. You do not have someone there to teach you things in person. You also will not have someone who can answer your every question at every turn. In short, you will not have someone there to hold your hand through the process of learning the violin.

The Speed ​​of Learning Online

Fortunately, the lack of a private tutor is balanced by one very important thing: Speed.

If you hired a private tutor, it could take an after lesson for her to teach you how to tune and care for your violin. To learn how to play your first note, you've got to wait for the next week.

In other words, learning through a tutor is often very slow. You've probably heard of people who've spent years learning the violin before they got any good. Chances are they were taking this kind of approach.

On the other hand, with an online violin school, you can learn as quickly as you can handle it. You can watch a video on how to tune your violin and then go right into learning how to play your first notes. There is no delay.

Does It Work?

The answer is quite a resounding "Yes." Why? Simply because musicians all over the world have now proven it works.

Thousands of violinists have now learned how to play the violin online, without the use of a personal tutor. It's a slightly different approach relying on yourself rather than someone else, but extremely many find it faster and more rewarding. You can learn to play the violin online. It's cheaper and often times more effective.

So where do you find an online violin school?

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