Your Sexual Health – Do You Know How Sexual Abstinence Harms Your Health and Happiness?

Doctors tell us that sexual abstinence can harm the physical and psychic health of men and women. Find out how you can reverse the harmful side effects of abstinence with or without a sexual partner.

How can sexual abstinence harm your health?

You may be grieving the loss of your romantic partner or a loss of sexual intimacy in a relationship, and the process of grieving takes a huge toll on your health. When your thoughts turn to loss and dis-ease, you lose the health benefits of feeling love and gratitude — our two healing emotions.

You may feel content on your own without a sexual partner, yet the lack of sexual activity takes its health toll.

Men and women who abstain from sex for long periods can develop problems with sexual function.

Men may experience issues concerning erection and ejaculation. Testosterone levels may fall and reduce desire.

Women may suffer a loss of arousal, vaginal lubrication and an inability to climax. Estrogen levels may fall and bad cholesterol may rise.

Fortunately, these conditions may reverse and return to normal after you resume sexual activity.

Men and women who abstain from sex miss out on these health benefits of sexual activity:

– ease in handling stress

– speedy cell repair and regeneration

– increased intimacy hormones that elevate mood

– greater blood flow to brain that improves memory

– stronger immune system and less fatigue or illness

– younger skin and less body fat from human growth hormone produced during sex

– extended longevity

If you don’t have a sexual partner, is there another way to gain these health benefits?

Researchers report that our sexual health must be maintained by a regular and active sex life.

If you don’t have a sexual partner, there are several ways to avoid or reverse the side effects of sexual abstinence:

* Substitute sex with masturbation

– Men often masturbate, even when their sex life is in order.

– Many women do not masturbate, even when deprived of sex.

– Some religions view it as sinful, unacceptable behavior.

– Sexual researchers report that masturbation is one way to maintain sexual and psychic health. Here is another:

* Use sex toys

– They are used by adults who cannot make love with a beloved partner, yet they don’t want to sleep around.

– There are vibrators, realistic dolls, dildos that are safe tools for sexual release.

– Unlike casual sex with a partner, the sex toys cannot expose you to STDs.

– They stimulate the health benefits of an active sex life.

* Develop sexual intimacy in a relationship

– Improve your existing relationship so that you revive the spark of sexual fire for an active, healthy sex life.

– Find a compatible match for a loving, passionate relationship through matchmaking services or online dating sites.

– Health studies confirm that you will age better and sustain healthy vitality when you enjoy an active sex life.

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