Revealed – ‘How To’ With Girls

This article is titled ‘How to with girls’ and it is an article on the difficulties men find when approaching girls in clubs. A huge problem that many men seem to face is how to approach girls and how to attract girls in loud clubs when it is difficult to speak to them. The music is so loud that it is very hard too have a normal conversation. The only way to speak is to lean in and talk into their ear. However this is not recommend as it conveys too much interest in the girl. So what do you do? You can either lean in and show interest or shout at her and lose all subtleties. Neither is the best option.

If you want to know how to approach a women in a club, you need to be aware of a few subtleties that will really improve your interactions in loud clubs.

What you can do, is compromise. What do I mean by this? When you approach a girl you can lean in when talking, but as soon as you have finished what you have to say, lean back out. This is somewhere in the middle. It allows you to have an interaction with the girl without having to fight the music constantly. Seriously, you do not want to be in the middle of a club shouting at girls. Too much like hard work.

The great thing is the hidden bonus. Once you have finished speaking you lean away. The girl now has two options. If she is not really interested she will not lean into you to answer. If this happens just gesture that you can not hear her, and don’t show too much interest in actually hearing what she had too say. This will make her question whether you really are into her and so will make her more keen to speak to you.

If she does lean in to reply then, boom, you know she wants to speak to you. So when she has finished speaking, you can lean back in and continue the conversation.

Something I will always do in these situations, is place my hand on the small of her back when I lean in to talk to her. Once I have finished what I am saying, I will lean back and remove my hand. This method will get her used to you touching her, without creeping her out. A very good idea, if you feel like you want to be more adventurous in your interactions with women.

Picking up women in a club situation should now be as easy as 1, 2, 3…

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