The Mathematical Colours of Human Survival Technology

The Romantic Era of the Arts from the mid 18th Century to the mid 19th Century was inspired by the ideals of a lost ethical ancient science. Its leaders were concerned that humans had deviated into being governed by a lifeless mechanistic culture. The philosopher of science Wolfgang von Goethe considered that Isaac Newton had betrayed the science of colour to reduce all to a black and white mechanistic reality. Goethe’s linguistic colour perception theories were revived in 2012 as a book of the year ‘Through the Language Glass’, written by the linguist-physicist Guy Deutscher. However, few people are aware that in fact, Isaac Newton actually refuted the idea that the mechanical theory of the universe was complete and that like the Romanticists, he had derived this opinion from the same lost ethical science.

The work of other poets and artists during the Romantic Era that had attacked Newton for having a science derived from a clockwork description of a mechanical universe has now been linked to important DNA discoveries and the issue has become a crucial human survival one. It is an outstanding achievement that in 2017 the World Fund for Arts in Russia has taken upon itself to rejuvenate the Science-Art ethos belonging to the Romantic Era of yesteryear.

Newton’s mathematical genius supported a more profound description of the universe than that of a lifeless mechanistic cosmos. Science, economics and religion approved of the mechanistic model, the basis from which a false quantum mechanics was derived by teaching that Newton’s world-view was mechanical. Both political and commercial science, together with religious persuasion gained control of our unbalanced modern science. Along with the scientists, religious institutions were in denial that the living process evolved to infinity, evoking religious laws to enforce their opinions. The lost ancient ethical science could not come into its own until the time for knowledge about living human DNA arrived. It is now possible for quantum mechanics to be made complete by researching its entanglement with the science of quantum biology.

Arthur C Clark’s television documentary ‘The Colours of Infinity’ was about Benoit Mandelbrot’s discovery of infinite fractal mathematics. Within the documentary a comment was made that the evolution of civilisation was not included in the purpose of an infinite universe. The reason for that is because prevailing science is governed by the ‘Universal Heat Death Law’, which states that all the heat of the universe is going to radiate away into cold space and eventually all life in the universe must become extinct.

History’s most famous mathematician, Georg Cantor was also history’s most despised mathematician for daring to challenge the global scientific death cult. His declaration that a dysfunctional fear of infinity had infected the minds of modern age scientists created an international scientific and religious furore. World famous mathematicians, strongly objecting to such a pronouncement, joined together to savagely condemn his concept that the life force process could be evolving toward infinity. Influential religious leaders were enraged that Cantor’s mathematical conviction overturned their stubborn insistence that only a Supreme Deity could permit any access to infinity. The religious leaders, with differing Gods, were all willing to fight to the death as soldiers bravely upholding their sacred responsibility to protect their participation within the global death cult.

The NASA High Energy Project has published a paper by the Science Advisor to the Belgrade Institute of Physics, Petar Grujic, showing that ancient Greek mathematics incorporated aspects of infinite fractal logic. From the jumble of old mathematical ideas an ethical atomic political science emerged to guide democratic ideals, vaguely referring to the evolution of an infinite moral wisdom. This proposed science was designed to guide an ennobling form of government so the civilisation could become part of an ethical universal purpose. Such a science was held necessary to avoid the extinctions belonging to the giant fossilised remains of previous life-forms that had not survived their tooth and claw arms race. In Plato’s Republic, the ancient atomic theories had advanced to the stage where Platonists defined ‘Evil’ as a destructive property within the atom, which could emerge to destroy civilisation. Therefore, the lost pagan atomic political science warrants our immediate attention. We need to balance the destructive aspect of atomic mathematical emotion with the atomic mathematics of what the ancient Greeks called virtuous mathematical emotions.

The Greek mathematics governing ethical atomic evolution posited the idea that the 28-day cycle of moon movement influenced the development of the female fertility cycle. It held that harmonic vibrations emanating from the moon resonated with the atoms of a mother’s spirit to explain her ethical love and compassion for children. Ancient Indian mathematical logic was not so vague about the concept of a living infinite mathematical reality. Sanskrit mathematics, developed before the Greek political atomic science came into existence, alluded to a future technology to be derived from the mathematics of infinity. However, today the prevailing thermodynamic heat death culture prevents adequate investigation into the development of such a technology.

The harmonious Greek mathematical process belonged to the ‘Music of the Spheres’, which the scientist Johannes Kepler used to make his famous astrological discoveries. Enough scientific discoveries have since followed to prove that the thermodynamic heat death cult information, governing every aspect of our ensured path to extinction, is quite simply a nonsense concept. During the 1980s Australian researchers proved this is to be an absurd situation.

In 1979 China’s most highly awarded physicist Kun Huang, gave Australian Science-Art researchers the methodology to measure the life-force governing seashell growth and development. They proved that our extinction law is what the mathematician Cantor said it was, a neurological malfunction within the scientific mindset.

Seashell life forms have existed for 50 million years and have not become extinct. In Australia the ancient Greek infinite mathematics was programmed into a computer to generate seashell evolutionary simulations over a 50 million year period. The computer simulations matched perfectly with the mathematical language written within the seashell fossil record. The dysfunctional mathematics upholding our thermodynamic death culture can only generate distorted or carcinogenic futuristic seashell simulations. Therefore, the law governing healthy seashell evolution toward infinity belonged to the mathematical messages coming from the living creature within the seashell.

In 1990 the world’s largest technological institute IEEE, based in Washington, placed the discovery alongside such names as Louis Pasteur and Francis Crick. However, eminent scientists locked into their association with the Australian Government’s thermodynamic culture became extremely hostile when confronted with this simple factual observation.

The hostility toward the prediction that the seashell research was socially important had begun in 1979, following the Commonwealth Science Unit of Australian National Television in that year documenting the seashell research background into its internationally screened series, The Scientists – Profiles of Discovery. Scientists and Government Art Administrators joined forces in 1986 to attack the validly of the seashell discoveries published by Italy’s leading scientific journal, Il Nuovo Cimento, during the 1980s. Later in 2009 they abruptly ceased their constant deprecation of the Science-Art research when it was awarded a Gold Medal Laureate by an Academy of Science in London.

The Science-Art theories of the molecular biologist, Sir C P Snow, delivered at the 1959 Rede Lecture at Cambridge University and the ‘Letter to Science’ in 1974 written by the Nobel Laureate cancer researcher, Szent Gyorgyi, had one thing in common. They both argued that the existing obsolete thermodynamic scientific culture belonged to the primitive mindset of our Neolithic ancestors.

The extreme difference between ethical and non-ethical mathematical emotional language is now very obvious. Poker machine mathematics, accompanied by sound and colour vibrations, can create a strong emotional compulsion to enter into states of financial and moral bankruptcy. Plutocratic governments (government by the wealthy), wage constant unethical poker-machine-like warfare against each other. They employ this deceitful mathematical-artistic phenomenon, forming alliances to maintain global power, for the militant protection of the people (Szent-Gyorgi’s ‘Crazy Ape’ tribe) that they represent.

The accompanying disregard to damage suffered by their constant creation of bankruptcy victims, simply echoes the harsh reality of the seeming naturally occurring law of the survival of the fittest paradigm. The salient point to be made however, is that to the ancient Greek science, the poker-machine mentality was correctly predicted to be based upon false emotional illusions.

In 2010 the fusing of the controversial Australian research with quantum biological cancer research in partnership with Quantum Art International was important. It resulted in the discovery of the antidote to the global epidemic of dysfunctional illusory scientific information transmitted by the mass production of communication and information devices.

The primary evidence as to the technological potential of the antidote contained an important visual proof. Unlike the poker machine designed to employ colour vibrations to control the mind the antidote reverses the process resulting in the mind controlling the colours in a painting. The electromagnetic emotional field bringing about this phenomenon can now be visually demonstrated.

In 2016 their presentation of the antidote theory together with relevant artwork at the International Contemporary Arts Competition in Russia, under the auspices of the World Fund for Arts, won a first prize. In 2017 the President of the World Arts Fund appointed the Founder of Quantum Art International to assist establish a Science-Art Research Project for the betterment of the global human condition.

The above mentioned ‘Evil’ within Plato’s ethical atomic political science can now be considered as a form of a neurological cancer threatening global civilisation. It can be reasoned that the antidote can best be introduced by a powerful military complex employing what is referred to as a soft military diplomacy, a sharing of mutual beneficial information technologies with other nations. From the DNA perspective that humans can be considered to belong to one race this diplomacy could overcome fanatical violent religious persuasions. From the DNA viewpoint, humans attacking humans is obviously a nonproductive neurological form of cancer. By simply programming the dysfunctional world-view’s entanglement with the antidote information the survival blueprint simulations can be generated for humans rather than for seashell life forms.

To summarise, Sir Isaac Newton most certainly did not believe that the mechanical description of the universe was complete. In his 28th Query Discussions he published, under the threat of being burnt alive by the Church for his statement: that those who thought that gravitational force was caused by the mass of objects in space were pretentious and illogical. He actually stated that the more authoritative scientific understanding of the matter came from the ancient Greek science. The discoveries of the great scholars of the artistic Golden Era of Romanticism had also derived their ethics from that same lost ancient science.

The social significance of all the above was dramatized by the Australian Science-Art author/artist Chris Degenhardt in his book “Democracy on Trial – The verdict” published in 2002. From the perspective of DNA discoveries made since that time he published a retrial involving new evidence exonerating Sir Isaac Newton from Wolfgang Von Goethe’s charge that Newton had destroyed the science of emotional colour perception. In 2017, the Retrial edition of the above book was published under the auspices of Feedaread Publishing, in association with Amazon Books.

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