Disciple Now – Mission Projects

Many student pastors now have their students do mission projects on Saturday of the weekend of their event. This gives their students a great opportunity to not only minister to their community but also to apply what they have been learning in the materials they are studying. While this sounds like a great idea it is not always easy to plan exactly what your students will be doing. In this article I will share with you some ideas that worked well for me and my ministry experience so that you can have plenty of ideas to take and apply in your ministry.

The first mission project that we have done is adopting a park. This is a great thing as many parks are neglected and left dirty and possibly even graffitied. This gives your students an opportunity to realize they can serve their community every single day instead of having to wait to go off on some trip. This is an especially great project if you live in a more urban area. This is because most parks in these areas are in the middle of neighborhoods so the people in the neighborhood will the see the church out showing love to the city.

The second project we have done during our disciple now is evangelism. This is about sending your students out into the community to share the Gospel. This can take place in the neighborhoods they are staying in, at the local mall, in the local parks, or even at a local college campus. This is a great experience for students and often a life changing one.

Another project that we have found great success with in our ministry is a canned food drive. Most communities have a food bank and in fact your church may have a food pantry within it. These ministries are always in need of more resources so why not let your students help in these great causes? This project is great because again students see they can love their community anytime and when you pile up all the canned goods they get a very visual representation of the impact they had that day.

The final idea that we have used is just canvasing your community with age appropriate activities. Maybe you have your middle schoolers go clean a park. Maybe your high school girls go do manicures at a nursing home. Perhaps you have your high school guys go out and hand out sack lunches and coats to the homeless. Regardless of the activities the big idea is that students see there are many needs in their community and they are capable of going out and meeting those needs. Not to mention that in one day your whole community gets loved.

Mission projects are a great addition for your disciple now weekend. It not only helps your community but also can have a life changing impact on your students’ lives. Hopefully these ideas will give you ideas for you can have your students do missions during your event and will allow you to have a great impact on our community.

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