Educational Malpractice

Educational malpractice can be observed inside a learning institution where such such teachers, professors, coaches, and principals demonstrate actions of misconduct that may be harmful to their students and co-workers.

Education is a discipline in which people are expected to learn and carry out positive ideas, and not harm their students in any way. Ronald B. Standler, author of the essay Educational Malpractice in the USA, says, "Education is not something that teachers install in pupils, like screwing a light bulb into a socket. classroom chair. Education is something that pupils and students must do for themselves: by reading, by writing, by doing homework problems, by doing science experiments. "

The first step in preventing malpractice in a learning institution is the awareness of the parents and the students of their responsibilities in the school or university.

The duty of the parents

Parents should regularly monitor their children's school activities– their lessons in school, homework, projects, and extra-curricular activities. If the parents notice that there is insufficient learning, they should take immediate action to improve the child's education. This action can mean controlling the amount of television hours, limiting the time playing video games, organizing children's tours on museums and libraries, or buying educational toys that the children can learn from.

Parents should not wait for years before they recognize that their so-called "genius" child is, in reality, illiterate or can not subtract even just two-digit numbers.

The duty of the students

It is irrational to expect all young children to enjoy doing extra work at home just because they are not learning enough in school. Aside from a few exceptional ones, children will never see the fun in learning.

Pupils should, therefore, be understood if they become dependent on their parents 'and teachers' guidance. On the other hand, these authorities should be the one responsible for letting the students see the fun and enjoyment there is in learning. They should sometimes strongly require pupils to study, to read, and to do homework their unwillingness to do so. Motivating the students to study and read for themselves is one of the major roles of the parents and the teachers.

In conclusion, people should be more independent and confident about themselves, rather than blindly relying on the educational system that they are not really certain about providing sufficient education.

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