The Third Step Towards Fitness for Men and Women
Like my article that describes the first two steps to fitness, this article is not going to be a step by step plan of what to eat and how to exercise to look and feel better. It'll help place you on the path where you can achieve such things. I do think I need to justify why a 48 year old guy who is part owner of an office supply store is giving fitness advice in the first place. Beside the fact that I look the part, I've spent over thirty years and many dollars on videos, books and trainers to achieve goals that include gaining weight and strength for college football to losing fat for natural body building competitions. I have not sent the money on the certificates that prove my knowledge and allow me to add letters after my name, but that does not seem to stop people from asking me for advice.
The third step towards achieving fitness is to consistently apply your barbell exercise and protein eating plans. This' ll require you to find the motivation to raise the priority of implementing your plans to a similar level that eating and drinking are for you to stay alive. Fear of death is a fairly strong motivator for us to exercise and eat right, but one that is not generally considered while living in today's society unless faced with a critical health crisis. And that's a shame. Because regular barbell exercise is as natural to our bodies as protein, carbs, fat and water are. And in the long run just as necessary. The fact that we do not need to exercise in order to physically exist in our world makes it no less important.
Motivators to barbell train and consistently eat protein are going to be internal and external. You'll need to find some of the same motivations that enable you to stay engaged in your most important emotional attachments which sometimes require a vulnerability that make pain and injury likely.
I'm not a motivational expert, but I can tell you about mine. The shame of poor competitiveness with older kids in a week long summer basketball camp when I was twelve expressed itself as a desire to become strong as a defense against that helplessness and rejection. Later, when the strength helped me to compete better at sports, that desire only intensified. After college the rituals of the training and eating plans themselves became the motivation, as well as a desire to compete in natural bodybuilding ten years later. Now I simply love to train. I believe that I'm doing what I can to resist death and the effects of old age and I'm fine with being uncomfortable, inconvenienced, sore, and at times, hurt. Barbell training and eating protein are the key. And while I do not see as many attempts at a personal record deadlift in my future, neither do I see walking at the mall.
Until you adequately raise the priority of applying your plans to barbell train and add protein to your diet, you will not be consistent. And then you'll fail. Even when you find someone to support and share your efforts. Your mission is to discover your motivation and modify it as necessary over time so that you can stay consistent. This may be your most worthy journey as it can be applied to many of your life's more important endeavors.