You Can Publish Your Own Book

Once available only to the elite, rich and connected, book publishing is now accessible to almost anyone with the creativity to write a book and determination to see it through to publication. One has only to take a trip the local bookstore to realize how many new authors are being published every day. While a few big names stay in the spotlight, countless authors who took steps to publish their own book can also be found. Many have had their print showcased, received rave reviews and writers awards. My observation is that this trend is increasing commonplace with the availability of the internet.

Once you find a niche that interest you and is yet to be flooded by publishers, the possibilities are huge. This niche could be for your particular geographic area, it could be generalized to all America or even worldwide. Simply focus on providing high quality information material to fill that niche area. If you are not confident with your grammar or language expertise, countless editors, ghostwriters and proofreaders are available online for you to outsource to for a fee.

In days gone by, it was necessary for an author to utilize agents (still available if you want them) to get the attention of publishers through pitches and proposals. But nowdays, almost any author can now publish their book online with several easy to use websites and digital publishing platforms such as Amazon Kindle. These services provide professional software and advice to help you create a good looking book. They can connect you through their forum and bespoke service with artists and designers to assist in cover design, graphics, and with your other publication requirements.

After writing and designing the book, you can print a copy starting at a few dollars depending on cover type. Some websites allow you to sell directly from their site without having to print a stock of books. The book is simply printed and shipped by them when it is ordered. This saves a publisher from having to worry if he or she can not immediately sell all the books that they may have stockpiled in the house.

Marketing today is easier than ever with the internet. It is no longer critical for posters and ads to be placed in stores and newspapers to get the name of your book out there. It can still be done out of preference and as part of a marketing strategy but it is no longer mandatory to do this to have a successful book launch. The reality is that it is now far easier to publish your own book and readily offer your new book for sale through Amazon and other online publishing outlets.

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