Health Club New Year's Marketing

One of the largest reasons why business soars for health clubs in the months of December and January has to do with the concept of a New Year's resolution. Almost everyone sets a New Year's resolution for themselves and the most common resolutions tend to relate to fitness and weight loss. For health clubs this presents an ideal opportunity to run a promotion in hopes of selling a great deal of new memberships to families and individuals who are ready to start living a healthy life in the new year. However while most health clubs are focusing on the opportunity to land new clients many are neglecting the opportunity to retain current members.

New Year's Resolution Board

One of the best strategies for keeping member retention levels high is to keep members motivated to achieve some type of new personal fitness goal. The best way to keep motivation levels high is to encourage all members to share their personal fitness goals with their friends and family. Statistics show that you are several times more likely to keep a goal and achieve that goal if you have shared your goal with several people. As a matter of fact the more people you share a goal with the more likely you are to achieve that goal. Why is this? Well it begins with accountability. If you are telling people that you plan to lose ten pounds in 6 months then you are going to want to do so in order to avoid the disappointment of failing in front of your peers. As a result you will do what is necessary to meet your goal and prove to your peers that you can be held accountable for your words.

This is where a New Year's resolution board comes into focus. It begins by encouraging current members to participate in a friendly New Year's resolution contest. Each member should be given a half sheet of paper to record in pen exactly what their fitness goal is for the new year. They should write their name on this piece of paper in big letters and then they should post it to a massive bulletin board that hangs in the front lobby area of ​​the gym. This board should be full of member's individual fitness goals and it should generate a lot of buzz around the club.

What will happen is that members will glance at this board as they are entering or leaving the gym and will compare goals on the board with their own. They will discuss their goals with their peers and will encourage each other to continue training. As a rule on its own, member's will feel the obligation to meet their personal goal since they have publicly addressed the community of their intentions to lose weight. As a direct consensus members who would have otherwise quit on themselves and their fitness routine if they had not committed to the New Year's resolution board will in fact stick with their routine. A six month resolution party can be held in June as a reminder to all members of their fitness goals and to re-inspire everyone to finish off what they have started!

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