How Father Time Can Make You A Fashion Icon
Time really does fly by and often it brings about certain psychological peculiarities in the fashion realm. Years ago I remember my elder's talking and showing me their iconic fashion pieces such as their leather jacket, suit, coat, sunglasses, wallet, etc. Mentioning them as a matter of fact or sometimes with boastful pride that they've had these items far longer than I was as alive at the time. And because they were from a different era, they only had one signature piece that they wore regularly. These pieces were fashionable and functional, and still remained so decades after they bought them. Whether it was a question that the clothes matched the middle age person or if it was the clothes themselves as a stand-alone were the main attraction it's a matter of opinion based on emotion.
Fashion houses today produce hot & trendy stuff which are quickly forgotten in the next season, stuff which include replicas of those traditional Americana pieces. Despite their vintage designer label how many people will actually keep these items as long as their grandsparents – the Real McCoys of yesterday? Ironically these Americana replica items are now made overseas because of cost controls (aka cheap labor), not in the USA where the originals were made.
Additionally our elders were able to keep these items much longer not just because the quality was superior but their hard-working blue collar lifestyle kept them from becoming obese. Nowadays people must discard or donate their clothing every so often because of a sedentary lifestyle. Gramps could still fit comfortably into his leather jacket when he bought it when he was a whipper-snapper.
Now that I'm older I realized that there are several items which I bought in the 20th century, made in the USA, that are durable, functional and continue to be stylish including rugged goose-down jackets when they were first introduced and leather jackets Made of thick horsehide that is so heavy that it almost bullets bullet-proof.
When we realize and admit that you're becoming your father or mother it's certainly true in the fashion sense for a particular generation. So what does this all mean? It means that Father Time has passed the torch to you and now you represent that era when great clothes made the man and woman, a walking promotion that iconic symbols of what luxury is all about: class, functionality, durability and, of course, stylishness .